
Version 1 (modified by Herwig Zilken, 8 years ago) ( diff )


VisIt Build on JURECA

On JURECA all software packages are installed with the help of the EasyBuild framework. Typically the Intel C (icc) anc C++ (icpc) compilers are used. The following EasyBuild script is used for VisIt:

# Built with EasyBuild version 2.5.0 on 2015-12-22_12-14-46
easyblock = 'Binary'

name = 'VisIt'
version = '2.10.0'

homepage = ''
description = """VisIt is an Open Source, interactive, scalable, visualization, animation and analysis tool."""

toolchain = {'name': 'intel-para', 'version': '2015.07'}

source_urls = ['']
script = 'build_%(namelower)s%(version_major)s_%(version_minor)s_0'
sources = [script]

install_cmd = "chmod +x %s && " %script
# libXt and libX11 derive from the Qt dependency
install_cmd += "CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$EBROOTLIBXT/include:$EBROOTLIBX11/include "
install_cmd += "./%s " %script
install_cmd += "--console --parallel --required --h5part --hdf5 --netcdf --silo --no-pyside "
# Python version inferred from libxml2
install_cmd += "--system-python --system-cmake --system-qt --cc $CC --cxx $CXX "

# Need to use maxparallel to keep number of threads under control
maxparallel = '12'

install_cmd += "--prefix '%(installdir)s' --makeflags '-j" + maxparallel + "'"

pythonversion = '2.7.10'
dependencies = [
    ('Qt', '4.8.7'),
    ('libxml2', '2.9.2', '-Python-%s' % pythonversion),
    ('Python', pythonversion)

builddependencies = [
    ('makedepend', '1.0.5'),
    ('CMake', '3.3.2'),

postinstallcmds = ['cp %(builddir)s/*_log %(installdir)s/%(version)s']

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['bin/%s' % x for x in ['frontendlauncher', '']],
    'dirs': ['%(version)s'],

# Add the python modules
modextrapaths = {'PYTHONPATH': ['%(version)s/linux-x86_64/lib/site-packages/']}
modextravars = {
   'VISIT_ROOT': '$root'

moduleclass = 'vis'

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