
Version 3 (modified by Herwig Zilken, 8 years ago) ( diff )


Immersive ParaView on PiCasso at JSC

Setting up the System

1. Get and configure vrpn

Clone the vrpn git repository:

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

If you use HID devices, initialize the local HIDAPI subdirectory (./submodules/hidapi) by

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

In case you dont use HID devices, edit the file vrpn_Configure.h and comment out the following:

//#define VRPN_USE_HID

If you use HID devices, you also have to install libusb-1.0 as root:

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

2. Build executables and static libraries with cmake

Create a build and a installation directory and call ccmake:

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

Inside ccmake, press 'c' and adjust the following parameters:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: point to your installation directory, e.g. /home/zilken/vrpn/git/vrpn/installation

Press 'c' again, then press 'g' and exit ccmake. Compile vrpn by

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

3. Build shared lib manually

Unfortunately the ccmake build of vrpn only generates a static 'libvrpn.a', whereas ParaView needs a shared ''. We have to create this lib by hand as follows:

  • enter the directory 'quads' and edit the Makefile. Uncomment the line "HW_OS := pc_linux64" and execute 'make'.
  • enter the vrpn source directory and edit the Makefile. Uncomment the line "HW_OS := pc_linux64" and execute 'make'.
  • create the shared lib and copy it to the installation folder by:
    Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
    No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

4. Edit vrpn.cfg for DTrack Tracker

Enter the installation directory and copy the default vrpn.cfg to the bin folder.

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

Now edit the vrpn.cfg file (the one in the bin folder). Find the vrpn_Tracker_DTrack section and add/uncomment the following line:

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

To test vrpn, it is also usefull to enable some 'dummy' devices. Uncomment the following lines in vrpn.cfg:

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

5. Test vrpn with dummy tracker device

Enter the installatoin/bin directory and start the tracker server:

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

Open another shell and check the output of e.g. the vrpn_Tracker_NULL device:

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

You should see the following output:

Tracker Tracker0@localhost, sensor 0:
     pos ( 0.00,  0.00,  0.00); quat ( 0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00)
Tracker Tracker0@localhost, sensor 0:
     vel ( 0.00,  0.00,  0.00); quatvel ( 0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00), dt  1.00
Tracker Tracker0@localhost, sensor 0:
     acc ( 0.00,  0.00,  0.00); quatacc ( 0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00), dt  1.00

6. Start and test DTrack ART tracker

First you have to switch on the tracking pc (mounted in the rack together with the two projectors). When the tracking pc is ready, one red LED lights on both tracking-cameras. Then you have to start the DTrack controller software on zam069 (currently only installed in the home directory of user 'zilken').

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

In the GUI, menue Settings->Output, check that the tracking output is really send to this computer (zam069 has the local IP address Then click on "Start" to start the tracking. Once the tracking is started, a second LED goes on on each camera. Now start the vrpn server:

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

Open another shell and check the output of the DTrack device:

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

You should see the following output for the two tracking devices:

Tracker DTrack@localhost, sensor 0:
     pos ( 0.10,  0.74, -0.42); quat ( 0.13,  0.08, -0.00,  0.99)
Tracker DTrack@localhost, sensor 1:
     pos (-0.18,  0.72, -0.34); quat (-0.02, -0.45, -0.00,  0.89)

Sensor 0 is the head sensor and sensor 1 is the mouse sensor.

7. Configuring ParaView

To enable immersive ParaView, two configuration files have to be provided.

  1. One .pvx configuration file (zam069.pvx) describes the display geometry for each ParaView render server (pvserver). For PiCasso at JSC it looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
     <Process Type="client" />
     <Process Type="server">
     <EyeSeparation Value="0.065"/>
      <Machine Name=""
               LowerLeft=" -0.6 -0.45 -1"
               LowerRight=" 0.6 -0.45 -1"
               UpperRight=" 0.6  0.45 -1" />
  1. One .pvvr file (dtrac.pvvr) is needed to describe the connectivity to the tracker via vrpn (or vrui). For zam069 it looks like this:
        <VRPNConnection name="vrconn" address="DTrack@localhost">
          <Tracker id="0" name="Head"/>
          <Tracker id="1" name="Wand"/>
          <TrackerTransform value="
            1  0  0  0
            0  .966  -.259  -1.4
            0  .259  .966   .2
            0  0  0   1"/>
        <Style class="vtkVRTrackStyle" proxyName="RenderView1" proxy="2869" property="EyeTransformMatrix">
          <Tracker role="Tracker" name="vrconn.Head"/>

Note that the tilting of the PiCasso display by 15 degree is taken into account by the TrackerTransform matrix (cos(15)=0.966, sin(15)=0.259). Furthermore a translaton by (0.0, -1.4, 0.2) is necessary to shift the center of the tracking system to the center of the camera position, which is in the middle and one meter in front of the display.

8. Start immersive ParaView

First of all make shure that your LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to Also make shure that the two ParaView configuration files are places in the ParaView bin directory. Enter the ParaView bin directory and start the ParaView server first, e.g.

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

The start the ParaView client. To enable stereo rendering, the client has to be started in a stereo render mode! As not all clients are able to open an OpenGL Quadbuffer window (necessary for CrystalEyes stereo mode), you can just use a simple mode like RedBlue.

Error: Failed to load processor ShellExample
No macro or processor named 'ShellExample' found

In the GUI of the ParaView client first connect to the ParaView server (on localhost, port 11111). To test the setup, you may generate a dummy data set, e.g. Sources->Cylinder. Now adjust the stereo modes: in the properties-tab, set "Stereo Type=none" and "Server Stereo Type=Crystal Eyes".

Then load the VR-Plugin by Tools->Manage Plugins->VRPlugin. If could be found by ParaView, the VR-Panel shows up in the GUI. Press the "Restore VR State" button and load the file dtrac.pvvr. Start the tracking by pressing the start button.

When you visualize data in an immersive environment, it is very important that the size (extends) of the data plays an important role! For the PiCasso, the extends should lie within the range of one (meter). This can be accomplished using the Transform filter.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.