
Welcome to the Trac server for Subversion projects

Subversion Info

Subversion information can be found here.

Git Info & GitLab

Git projects should use GitLab

Email Notification for Subversion and Git

To get an email if something in the repository is changed, select Preferences -> Post-Commit Notification ( Inside the text area, you may add the whole tree or subtrees.


/            send email, if anything in the repository has changed
/project     send email, if anything in /project or below has changed (recursively)
branches/$   send email, if the changed path ends with branches/, this means that a 
             new branch has been created

If the description text is empty, no mail is sent.

Trac Project Administrator Info

Add User

  • select the "Admin" tab (only available if TRAC_ADMIN permissions are set)
  • select General->Permissions on the left side
  • Add Subject to Group: Insert new user into Subject field, set group to user or developer
  • select Version Control->Subversion Access on the left side
  • add user to a subversion group, see set/restrict subversion permissions for details

Set fine grained Wiki Permissions

  • log in as administrator
  • select the "Admin" tab
  • select Accounts->Page Permissions

Example: Allow anonymous read access to wiki for all pages but pages starting with Priv. The second entry for anonymous sets the default behaviour for the other pages.

authenticated = WIKI_VIEW, !WIKI_MODIFY
* = ""

anonymous = WIKI_VIEW


Testing may be used for testing.

For further questions contact A.Visser@….

Last modified 22 months ago Last modified on 10/06/22 10:39:47
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.