source: redvar.f@ 6012d3f

Last change on this file since 6012d3f was cb47b9c, checked in by baerbaer <baerbaer@…>, 15 years ago

Explicitly declare variables.

All variables should be declared so that we can remove the implicit statements
from the beginning of the INCL.H file.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 26dc1dd8-5c4e-0410-9ffe-d298b4865968

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 21.8 KB
3! This file contains the subroutines: redvar
5! Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann,
6! Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku
7! Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann,
8! Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty
10! **************************************************************
13 subroutine redvar
[bd2278d]15! ...................................................................
17! PURPOSE: Read global parameters for molecules from lines
19! +--------------------------------------------------+
20! |@ molecule no. : six floats separated by commas |
21! +--------------------------------------------------+
23! NB: 1) if omit field with molecule no. assume: nml=1
24! 2) last 3 float are angles in deg.
26! Read and interpret file to SET and FIX internal variables
27! by commands:
29! +-----------------------------------------+
30! | molecule : residue : variable : value |
31! +-----------------------------------------+
33! * Lines containing '&' assign FIXED variable(s), they will
34! not be varied during subsequent minimization etc.
36! * Empty LINES or lines containing '#' are ignored
37! * Several commands on same line must be separated by ';'
38! * Empty COMMANDS, i.e. ' : : ' are ignored
39! * All spaces are not significant and are therefore ignored
41! * A command consists of up to 4 (maxfld) fields, separated
42! by ':'
44! - last field : value for VARIABLE (REAL)
45! ! should never be empty
46! - 1st before last: name(s) (CHAR) or index(ices) of VARIABLE(S)
47! - 2nd before last: name(s) or index(ices) of RESIDUE(S)
48! - 3rd before last: name or number(ices) of MOLECULE(S)
50! * molecules, residues, variables can be identified, either by,
51! INDICES (zones 'n1-n2' possible) or NAMES
53! * several identifiers in a field can be separated by ','
55! * INDICES: for residues - refer to numbering within molecule
56! : for variables - refer to numbering within residue
57! * ZONES: '-n2' indicates '1-n2'
58! 'n1-' indicates 'n1-(all)'
59! * NAMES or their ends can be indicated by wild-card '*'
60! are case-sensitive
62! Example: phi:-65; psi:-45 >set all phi=-65, all psi=-45
63! om*: 180 & >set all omg, omt ... to 180 & fix them
64! 5 : x* : -60 >set all xi-angles of residue 5 to 60
66! CALLS: setvar,extstr,iendst,ibegst,iopfil,iredin,iredrl
67! ......................................................................
70 include 'INCL.H'
[cb47b9c]72! functions
73 integer iopfil, iendst, iredin, iredrl, ibegst
[bd2278d]74! maxfld: max. # of fields in one command
75! maxide: max. # of identifiers in a field
76! maxcmd: max. # of commands to be interpreted
77! ilrg: a large integer
[cb47b9c]79 integer maxfld, maxide, maxcmd, ilrg, ifdend, icb, i, ib, ibz
80 integer ife, ifb, ide, id, ice, ie, ieh, ieh1, iez, ihz, ifx, ifld
81 integer ile, ii, ihy, ilb, iml, it, in ,io, inum, kbz, iv, ity, jb
82 integer j, k, l, kez, kk, kv, lez, lbz,ll, ll1, ll2, n, nfi, ncmd
83 integer nfld, nide, nml, ntlvr
84 double precision vlvrx, rn, vr, val
[e40e335]85 parameter (maxfld=4,
[bd2278d]86 & maxide=30,
87 & maxcmd=5000,
88 & ilrg=1000000)
90 character spcm,spfd,spcc,sphy,cmt,wdc,sfix,blnk, sglp,
[bd2278d]91 & line*132,lincmd*132,linfld(maxfld)*132,linide*132,
92 & linh*132,strg(6)*17
[e40e335]93 dimension ifdend(maxfld),vlvrx(mxvr),rn(6)
94 logical fix,did,exa,forml(mxml),forrs(mxrs),forvr(mxvr),
[bd2278d]95 & stvr(mxvr)
[e40e335]96 data spcm/';'/,spfd/':'/,spcc/','/,sphy/'-'/,cmt/'#'/,wdc/'*'/,
[bd2278d]97 & sfix/'&'/,blnk/' '/, sglp/'@'/
[bd2278d]100! ___________________________________ Checks
[e40e335]101 ntlvr=ivrml1(ntlml)+nvrml(ntlml)-1
102 if (ntlvr.eq.0) then
103 write (*,*) ' redvar> No variables defined in molecule(s)'
104 return
105 endif
[bd2278d]106! ___________________________________ Initialize
108 io=iopfil(lunvar,varfil,'old','formatted')
109 if (io.eq.0) then
110 write (*,'(a,/,a,i3,2a)')
[bd2278d]111 & ' redvar> ERROR opening file to set variables:',
112 & ' LUN=',lunvar,' FILE=',varfil(1:iendst(varfil))
[e40e335]113 stop
114 elseif (io.eq.-1) then
115 return
116 endif
[bd2278d]117! ___________________________________ Initialization
[e40e335]118 do i=1,ntlml
119 forml(i)=.true.
120 do j=irsml1(i),irsml2(i)
121 forrs(j)=.true.
122 enddo
123 enddo
125 do i=1,ntlvr
126 fxvr(i)=.false.
127 forvr(i)=.true.
128 stvr(i)=.false.
130 it=ityvr(i) ! var. type
131 if (it.eq.3) then ! torsion
132 vr=toat(iatvr(i))
133 elseif (it.eq.2) then ! b.angle
134 vr=baat(iatvr(i))
135 elseif (it.eq.1) then ! b.length
136 vr=blat(iatvr(i))
137 else
138 write(*,*) 'redvar> unknown variable type: ',it,' !'
139 stop
140 endif
141 vlvrx(i)=vr
142 enddo
144 ncmd=0
146 1 read (lunvar,'(a)',end=2) line
147 ile=iendst(line)
[bd2278d]148! _________________________________ ! ignore empty and commentary lines
[e40e335]149 if (,cmt).le.0) then
[bd2278d]151! _________________________________________ Global variables
[e40e335]152 ilb = index(line(1:ile),sglp)+1
153 if ( then
155 if (index(line(ilb:ile),spfd).gt.0) then ! field with mol.#
157 call extstr(spfd,ilb,ile,line,lincmd,l)
159 if (iredin(lincmd,nml).le.0.or.
[bd2278d]160 & then
[e40e335]161 write (*,*) 'redvar> ','Incorrect molecule number >',
[bd2278d]162 & lincmd(1:l),'< Must be in range [1,',
163 & ntlml,'] !'
[e40e335]164 close(lunvar)
165 stop
166 endif
168 else
169 nml = 1 ! assume mol. #1
170 endif
172 l=ile-ilb+1
173 if (l.le.0) goto 105
174 lincmd=blnk
175 lincmd(1:l)=line(ilb:ile)
177 k = 1
178 do i = 1,5 ! try to read 5 parameters
179 call extstr(spcc,k,l,lincmd,linh,n)
180 if (,rn(i)).le.0) goto 105
181 enddo
183 n=l-k+1 ! try 6th parameter
184 if (n.le.0) goto 105
185 linh=blnk
186 linh(1:n)=lincmd(k:l)
187 if (iredrl(linh,rn(6)).le.0) goto 105
[bd2278d]189! ---------------------------------------- check global angles
[e40e335]190 if ( abs(rn(4)).gt.(1.8d2+1d-6)
[bd2278d]191 & .or. abs(rn(5)).gt.(9d1+1d-6)
192 & .or. abs(rn(6)).gt.(1.8d2+1d-6)
193 & ) goto 106
195 do i = 1,3
196 gbpr(i,nml) = rn(i)
197 enddo
198 do i = 4,6
199 gbpr(i,nml) = rn(i)*cdr
200 enddo
202 goto 1
204 endif ! global vars
207 ilb=1
209 do while (ilb.le.ile) ! ________________________ Commands
210 call extstr(spcm,ilb,ile,line,lincmd,ice)
212 if ( then ! ignore empty commands
213 ncmd=ncmd+1
214 if ( goto 101
216 ifx=index(lincmd(1:ice),sfix)
217 if ( then ! check for commands to fix variables
218 fix=.true.
219 lincmd(ifx:ifx)=blnk
220 if ( then
221 ice=ice-1
222 if (ice.eq.0) then ! fix all
223 ice=1
224 lincmd(1:1)=wdc
225 endif
226 endif
227 else
228 fix=.false.
229 endif
[bd2278d]231! _________________________________________ Extract Command Fields
[e40e335]232 nfld=0
233 icb=1
234 do while (
235 nfld=nfld+1
236 if ( goto 100
237 call extstr(spfd,icb,ice,lincmd,linfld(nfld),ifdend(nfld))
239 if (ifdend(nfld).le.0) then ! empty field means 'all'
240 linfld(nfld)(1:1)=wdc
241 ifdend(nfld)=1
242 endif
244 enddo
[bd2278d]245! _______________________________ Interpret Command Fields (except last)
[e40e335]246 do i=1,nfld-1
247 ii=i
248 ifld=nfld-i
250 if (ifld.eq.3) then ! Initialize Molecules
251 do j=1,ntlml
252 forml(j)=.false.
253 enddo
254 elseif (ifld.eq.2) then ! Initialize Residues
255 do j=1,ntlml
256 do k=irsml1(j),irsml2(j)
257 forrs(k)=.false.
258 enddo
259 enddo
260 elseif (ifld.eq.1) then ! Initialize Variables
261 do j=1,ntlvr
262 forvr(j)=.false.
263 enddo
264 endif
[bd2278d]265! __________________________________ Identifiers in field
[e40e335]266 nide=0
267 ifb=1
268 ife=ifdend(i)
269 do while (ifb.le.ife)
270 nide=nide+1
271 if ( goto 103
272 call extstr(spcc,ifb,ife,linfld(ii),linide,ide)
273 if (ide.le.0.or.linide(1:1).eq.wdc) then ! ... All
274 if (ifld.eq.3) then ! Mol.
275 do j=1,ntlml
276 forml(j)=.true.
277 enddo
278 elseif (ifld.eq.2) then ! Res.
279 do j=1,ntlml
280 if (forml(j)) then
281 do k=irsml1(j),irsml2(j)
282 forrs(k)=.true.
283 enddo
284 endif
285 enddo
286 elseif (ifld.eq.1) then ! Var.
287 do j=1,ntlml
288 if (forml(j)) then
289 do k=irsml1(j),irsml2(j)
290 if (forrs(k)) then
291 ll=ivrrs1(k)
292 do l=ll,ll+nvrrs(k)-1
293 forvr(l)=.true.
294 enddo
295 endif
296 enddo
297 endif
298 enddo
299 endif
301 else ! ...................... Identifier .ne. wdc
303 ihy=index(linide(1:ide),sphy) ! ? zone of numbers
305 if (ihy.le.0) then ! _____ No zone
306 if (iredin(linide,inum).gt.0) then ! ... number
307 if (ifld.eq.3) then ! Mol.
[bd2278d]309! ################### impossible # (inum) of molecule
311 if ( then
312 write (*,*) ' # 1: ',inum
313 goto 104
314 endif
316 forml(inum)=.true.
317 elseif (ifld.eq.2) then ! Res.
318 do j=1,ntlml
319 if (forml(j)) then
320 nfi=irsml1(j)
321 k=inum+nfi-1
[bd2278d]323! ################### impossible # of residue (inum) in molecule
325 if ( then
326 write (*,*) ' # 2: ',inum
327 goto 104
328 endif
330 forrs(k)=.true.
331 endif
332 enddo
333 elseif (ifld.eq.1) then ! Var.
334 do j=1,ntlml
335 if (forml(j)) then
336 do k=irsml1(j),irsml2(j)
337 if (forrs(k)) then
338 nfi=ivrrs1(k)
339 l=inum+nfi-1
[bd2278d]341! ################### impossible # of variable (inum) in residue
343 if (
[bd2278d]344 & then
[e40e335]345 write (*,*) ' # 3: ',inum
346 goto 104
347 endif
349 forvr(l)=.true.
350 endif
351 enddo
352 endif
353 enddo
354 endif
356 else ! ... Name
357 if (linide(ide:ide).eq.wdc) then
358 id=ide-1
359 exa=.false.
360 else ! exact match of names
361 id=ide
362 exa=.true.
363 endif
365 if (ifld.eq.3) then ! Mol.
366 do j=1,ntlml
367 ib=ibegst(nmml(j))
368 if ( then
369 linh=blnk
370 ieh=iendst(nmml(j))
371 ieh1=ieh-ib+1
372 linh(1:ieh1)=nmml(j)(ib:ieh)
373 if (((
[bd2278d]374 & (
375 & linh(1:id).eq.linide(1:id))
376 & forml(j)=.true.
[e40e335]377 endif
378 enddo
379 elseif (ifld.eq.2) then ! Res.
380 do j=1,ntlml
381 if (forml(j)) then
382 do k=irsml1(j),irsml2(j)
383 ib=ibegst(seq(k))
384 if ( then
385 linh=blnk
386 ieh=iendst(seq(k))
387 ieh1=ieh-ib+1
388 linh(1:ieh1)=seq(k)(ib:ieh)
389 if (((
[bd2278d]390 & (
391 & .and.linh(1:id).eq.linide(1:id))
392 & forrs(k)=.true.
[e40e335]393 endif
394 enddo
395 endif
396 enddo
397 elseif (ifld.eq.1) then ! Var.
398 do j=1,ntlml
399 if (forml(j)) then
400 do k=irsml1(j),irsml2(j)
401 if (forrs(k)) then
402 ll=ivrrs1(k)
403 do l=ll,ll+nvrrs(k)-1
404 ib=ibegst(nmvr(l))
405 if ( then
406 linh=blnk
407 ieh=iendst(nmvr(l))
408 ieh1=ieh-ib+1
409 linh(1:ieh1)=nmvr(l)(ib:ieh)
410 if (((
[bd2278d]411 & .or.(
412 & .and.linh(1:id).eq.linide(1:id))
413 & forvr(l)=.true.
[e40e335]414 endif
415 enddo
416 endif
417 enddo
418 endif
419 enddo
420 endif
422 endif
424 else ! ___ Zone
[bd2278d]426! ################### impossible zone '-' (without integer)
428 if (ide.eq.1.and.ihy.eq.ide) then
429 write (*,*) ' # 4: ',ide
430 goto 104
431 endif
433 if (ihy.eq.1) then
434 ibz=1
435 else
436 linh=blnk
437 linh=linide(1:ihy-1)
[bd2278d]439! ################### impossible (to read) integer before '-'
441 if (iredin(linh,ibz).le.0.or.ibz.le.0)
[bd2278d]442 & then
[e40e335]443 write (*,*) ' # 5 '
444 goto 104
445 endif
447 endif
448 if (ihy.eq.ide) then
449 iez=ilrg
450 else
451 linh=blnk
452 linh=linide(ihy+1:ide)
[bd2278d]454! ################### impossible (to read) integer after '-'
456 if (iredin(linh,iez).le.0.or.iez.le.0.or.
[bd2278d]457 & then
[e40e335]458 write (*,*) ' # 6 '
459 goto 104
460 endif
462 endif
464 if (ifld.eq.3) then ! Mol.
465 if ( iez=ntlml
466 do j=ibz,iez
467 forml(j)=.true.
468 enddo
469 elseif (ifld.eq.2) then ! Res.
470 do j=1,ntlml
471 if (forml(j)) then
472 kbz=irsml1(j)+ibz-1
473 kez=irsml1(j)+iez-1
474 if ( then
475 kk=irsml2(j)
476 else
477 kk=kez
478 endif
479 do k=kbz,kk
480 forrs(k)=.true.
481 enddo
482 endif
483 enddo
484 elseif (ifld.eq.1) then ! Var.
485 do j=1,ntlml
486 if (forml(j)) then
487 do k=irsml1(j),irsml2(j)
488 kv=nvrrs(k)
489 if (forrs(k) then
490 ll=ivrrs1(k)
491 lbz=ll+ibz-1
492 if ( then
493 lez=ll+kv-1
494 else
495 lez=ll+iez-1
496 endif
497 do l=lbz,lez
498 forvr(l)=.true.
499 enddo
500 endif
501 enddo
502 endif
503 enddo
504 endif
506 endif
507 endif
509 enddo ! ... identifiers
510 enddo ! ... Fields (excl. value)
[bd2278d]512! _____________________________________________________ Execute Command
514 if (iredrl(linfld(nfld),val).gt.izero) then ! Read Value
515 did=.false.
516 do i=1,ntlvr
517 if (forvr(i)) then
518 did=.true.
519 vlvrx(i)=val
521 fxvr(i)=fix
523 stvr(i)=.true.
524 endif
525 enddo
526 if (.not.did) write (*,'(3a)')
[bd2278d]527 & ' redvar> No variables affected by command >',
528 & lincmd(1:ice),'<'
[e40e335]529 else
531 ll1=ibegst(linfld(nfld))
532 ll2=iendst(linfld(nfld))
533 write (*,*) 'll1,ll2, linfld(nfld): ',ll1,ll2,
[bd2278d]534 & '>',linfld(nfld)(ll1:ll2),'<'
536 goto 102
537 endif
539 endif
540 enddo ! ... Commands at one line
541 endif
542 goto 1
544 2 close(lunvar)
[bd2278d]545! __________________________ Summary
[e40e335]546 iv=0
547 do i=1,ntlml
549 ie=iendst(nmml(i))
551 do j =1,6
552 if (gbpr(j,i) then
554 do k = 1,3
555 write(strg(k),'(f17.6)') gbpr(k,i)
556 enddo
557 do k = 4,6
558 write(strg(k),'(f17.6)') (gbpr(k,i)*crd)
559 enddo
561 write (*,'(3a,/,1x,5(a,2x),a)') ' redvar> ',nmml(i)(1:ie),
[bd2278d]562 & ' with global parameters:',
563 & (strg(k)(ibegst(strg(k)):),k=1,6)
[e40e335]564 call setvar(i,vlvrx)
565 goto 3
566 endif
567 enddo
569 3 if (nvrml(i).gt.0) then
570 iml=i
571 did=.false.
572 in=0
573 jb=irsml1(i)-1
574 do j=irsml1(i),irsml2(i)
575 kk=ivrrs1(j)
576 do k=kk,kk+nvrrs(j)-1
577 iv=iv+1
578 if (stvr(iv)) then
579 did=.true.
580 if (fxvr(iv)) then
581 write (*,'(3a,i4,1x,4a,f10.3,a)') ' redvar> ',
[bd2278d]582 & nmml(i)(1:ie),': residue ',j-jb,seq(j),
583 & ': ',nmvr(iv),' set ',vlvrx(iv),' Fixed'
[e40e335]584 else
585 write (*,'(3a,i4,1x,4a,f10.3)') ' redvar> ',
[bd2278d]586 & nmml(i)(1:ie),': residue ',j-jb,seq(j),
587 & ': ',nmvr(iv),' set ',vlvrx(iv)
[e40e335]588 endif
589 ity=ityvr(iv)
590 if (ity.eq.3.or.ity.eq.2)
[bd2278d]591 & vlvrx(iv)=vlvrx(iv)*cdr ! angles
593 else
594 in=in+1
595 endif
596 enddo
597 enddo
598 if (did) then
599 if ( write (*,'(3a,i5,a)')
[bd2278d]600 & ' redvar> Molecule ',nmml(i)(1:ie),': ',in,
601 & ' variable(s) remain unchanged'
[e40e335]602 call setvar(iml,vlvrx)
603 else
604 write (*,'(3a)') ' redvar> Molecule ',
[bd2278d]605 & nmml(i)(1:ie),': No internal variables changed'
[e40e335]606 endif
607 endif
608 enddo
610 return
[bd2278d]611! ____________________________________________________________ Errors
[e40e335]612 100 write (*,'(3a)') ' redvar> Cannot interpret command >',
[bd2278d]613 & lincmd(1:ice),'<'
[e40e335]614 close(lunvar)
615 stop
616 101 write (*,'(a,i5,a)') ' redvar> Command number ',ncmd,' reached'
617 close(lunvar)
618 stop
619 102 write (*,'(3a)') ' redvar> Cannot read value from >',
[bd2278d]620 & lincmd(1:ice),'<'
[e40e335]621 close(lunvar)
622 stop
623 103 write (*,'(a,i3,3a)') ' redvar> Cannot read >',maxide,
[bd2278d]624 & ' identifiers from >',linfld(ii)(1:ife),'<'
[e40e335]625 close(lunvar)
626 stop
627 104 write (*,'(5a)') ' redvar> Error in identifier >',
[bd2278d]628 & linide(1:ide),'< of command >',lincmd(1:ice),'<'
[e40e335]629 close(lunvar)
630 stop
631 105 write (*,'(a,/,a,/,2a,/)') ' redvar> line with global paramters:',
[bd2278d]632 & line(1:ile),' must contain 6 floating',
633 & ' point numbers separated by commas !'
[e40e335]634 close(lunvar)
635 stop
637 106 write (*,'(a,/,a,/,2a,/)') ' redvar> line with global paramters:',
[bd2278d]638 & line(1:ile),' angles must be inside ',
639 &'ranges [-180,180], [-90,90], and [-180,180] Deg., respectively !'
[e40e335]640 close(lunvar)
641 stop
643 end
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