=== Steps On Local Machine (manual) If you do not want to run VisIt's metadata server on the login node, you can connect to your simulation manually. \\ Do not try it, if you are not an expert (or have some spare time left). \\ === connect with GUI to simulation ==== 1) tunnel port on compute node of rank 0 to local machine (forward connection) {{{ #!ShellExample ssh -f @juqueen.fz-juelich.de -L 5609::5609 -N }}} * @juqueen.fz-juelich.de is your login to the front node * -L :: defines the start and end of the tunnel * -f tells ssh to go into the background * -N instructs OpenSSH to not execute a command on the remote system example: {{{ #!ShellExample ssh -f jhpc1234@juqueen.fz-juelich.de -L 5609: -N }}} ==== 2) copy/modify sim2 file to client {{{ #!ShellExample scp @juqueen.fz-juelich.de:.visit/simulations/ . }}} example: {{{ #!ShellExample host R63-IF-J02 port 5609 key 9fd458909abe0f26 comment My Simulation }}} modify to: {{{ #!ShellExample host localhost port 5609 key 9fd458909abe0f26 comment My Simulation }}} ==== 3) open sim2 file on with !VisIt GUI ==== 4) tunnel port on local machine to compute node of rank 0 (backward connection)