''' !!! WORK IN PROGRESS !!! '''\\ Last Update 02.2017, Authors: Jens Henrik Göbbert, ... == OpenFOAM Settings for Software !Stage/Devel on JURECA * This includes '''additional''' information on how to build OpenFOAM for Software !Stage/Devel 1. follow [https://trac.version.fz-juelich.de/vis/wiki/Software/OpenFOAM], but do NOT build OpenFOAM, yet. 2. follow the additional instructions from this page 3. follow the build instructions from [https://trac.version.fz-juelich.de/vis/wiki/Software/OpenFOAM#a5.BuildTestOpenFOAM] === Set Environment === The environment must be set up according to where the source code directories are located. {{{ #!sh INST_DIR=/homeb/zam/${USER}/my_OpenFOAM # must not end with a '/' cd $INST_DIR # load modules module --force purge module load Stages/Devel module load Intel/2017.1.132-GCC-5.4.0 module load iimpi/2016b.1 module load flex/2.5.39 # flex 2.6.0 causes errors module load Boost/1.61.0-Intel-2017.1.132 module load MPFR/3.1.5-Intel-2017.1.132 module load GMP/6.1.2-Intel-2017.1.132 module load CGAL/4.8.2-Intel-2017.1.132 module load METIS/5.1.0-Intel-2017.1.132 # configure environment export FOAM_INST_DIR=$INST_DIR export WM_COMPILER=Icc export WM_MPLIB=EASYBUILDMPI export MPICC=mpicc export MPICXX=mpiicpc export CC=icc export CXX=icpc export CFLAGS="-no-prec-div -O3 -xHost -fp-model precise -diag-disable 654 -diag-disable 1125" export CXXFLAGS="-O3 -xHost -fp-model precise -diag-disable 654 -diag-disable 1125 -DMPICH_SKIP_MPICXX" export WM_NCOMPPROCS=8 # parallel build export WM_LABEL_SIZE=32 # 32bit for labels/indices - relevant for METIS (if 64 needed patch METIS first) # load environment VERSION=3.0.1 source OpenFOAM-${VERSION}/etc/bashrc foam foamSystemCheck }}}