2006-03-22 Jan H. Meinke * universe.py: Implemented function sheets(). * protein.py: Implemented more functions in Atom * protein.py: Implemented search for strands 2005-10-10 Jan H. Meinke * redvar.f: Read global parameters from var files. * Adjusted calls to ouvar to new interface. I now pass a file name instead of a unit number. * outvar.f: Added molecule number. * outvar.f: Added writing of all molecules into one variable file. 2005-10-06 Jan H. Meinke * outpdb.f: Added writing of multi molecule pdb files. 2005-10-05 Jan Meinke * Removed some extra files. 2005-09-26 Jan H. Meinke * Committed intermolecular interaction routine. 2005-09-21: Jan H. Meinke * enyshe.f: If nml == 0 calculate energy over all atoms. 2005-09-19: Jan H. Meinke * Added eninteract.f with function eninteract to project. Calculates interaction energy between molecules. * enysol.f: Added if nmol == 0 then calculate energy over all atoms. * enysol.f: nresi is total number of residues not just number of residues in first molecule. 2005-09-05: Jan H. Meinke * Fixed calculation of number of free variables for the third and higher molecules. * Fixed loop range in rgyr() to take multiple molecules into account.