! Subroutine initlund: Initializes data structures used frequently ! in connection with Biased Gaussian Steps and the energy functions ! from Anders Irback's protein folding model. Calls: none. ! subroutine init_lund include 'INCL.H' include 'incl_lund.h' logical bgsposs do i=1,mxrs iN(i)=-1 iCa(i)=-1 iC(i)=-1 iphi(i)=-34 ipsi(i)=-35 enddo ! print *,'total number of variables = ',nvr do i=1,ntlml npprs=1 do j=ivrml1(i),ivrml1(i)+nvrml(i)-1 mlvr(j)=i if (nmvr(j).eq.'phi') then iphi(npprs)=j ! Now if the residue is a proline, there is no phi angle in the variable ! list in SMMP, and so iphi(j) will remain at the initial value. ! So, make sure you never use iphi(i) for proline. endif if (nmvr(j).eq.'psi'.or.nmvr(j).eq.'pst') then ipsi(npprs)=j npprs=npprs+1 endif enddo do j=irsml1(i),irsml2(i) iN(j)=iatrs1(j) do k=iatrs1(j),iatrs2(j) if (nmat(k)(1:2).eq.'ca') then iCa(j)=k endif if (nmat(k)(1:1).eq.'c') then iC(j)=k endif enddo ! print *,'determined phi,psi serial for residue',j,' as ' ! # ,iphi(j),ipsi(j) enddo enddo abgs=300.0 bbgs=10.0 bgsnvar=0 ! JHM: Took the following lines out to avoid another dependency. ! do i=1,nvr ! if (bgsposs(i)) then ! bgsnvar=bgsnvar+1 ! bgsvar(bgsnvar)=i ! endif ! enddo end subroutine init_lund