! ************************************************************** ! ! This file contains the subroutines: rmsdfun,rmsdopt,fitmol, ! jacobi,rmsinit ! ! Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku ! Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty ! ! ************************************************************** real*8 function rmsdfun(nml,ir1,ir2,ixat,xrf,yrf,zrf,isl) ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! Wrapping function for calculating rmsd ! ! LIMITATION: requires call of rmsinit BEFORE calling this function ! ! CALLS: rmsdopt ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! include 'INCL.H' include 'INCP.H' ! ! Input double precision xrf, yrf, zrf, rm, av1, av2, rssd integer nml, ir1, ir2, ixat, isl dimension ixat(mxat),xrf(mxatp),yrf(mxatp),zrf(mxatp) ! Local dimension rm(3,3),av1(3),av2(3) call rmsdopt(nml,ir1,ir2,ixat,xrf,yrf,zrf,isl,rm,av1,av2,rssd) rmsdfun = rssd return end !******************************************************************* subroutine rmsdopt(nml,ir1,ir2,ixat,xrf,yrf,zrf,isl, & rm,av1,av2,rmsd) ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! PURPOSE: root mean square deviation (rmsd) between current SMMP ! structure and reference atom coordinates 'x,y,zrf()' ! for range of SMMP residues [ir1,ir2] in molecule 'nml' ! ! ixat(i) - points to the atom in ref. coords., which is ! equivalent to atom i of SMMP structure ! (=0 if no equivalent in ref. structure exists) ! ! isl = 0 : select all heavy atoms ! isl = 1 : backbone atoms n,ca,c ! isl = 2 : only ca atoms ! ! CALLS: fitmol [S.K.Kearsley, Acta Cryst. 1989, A45, 208-210] ! ! NB uncomment last lines in 'fitmol' to return coordinates ! in 'x2' after fitting the ref. str. onto SMMP structure ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- include 'INCL.H' include 'INCP.H' double precision x1, x2, xrf, yrf, zrf, rm, av1, av2, rmsd integer nml, nr, na, n, im, ir, ia, ir1, ir2, ix, ixat, isl !-------------------------------------------------------- input dimension ixat(mxat),xrf(mxatp),yrf(mxatp),zrf(mxatp) !-------------------------------------------------------- output dimension rm(3,3),av1(3),av2(3) !-------------------------------------------------------- local dimension x1(3,mxat),x2(3,mxat) character*4 atnm if (nml.lt.1.or.nml.gt.ntlml) then write(*,*) ' rmsdopt> Sorry, there is no molecule #',nml stop endif nr=0 na=0 n=0 do im=1,ntlml do ir=irsml1(im),irsml2(im) if (im.eq.nml) nr=nr+1 do ia=iatrs1(ir),iatrs2(ir) na=na+1 if (im.eq.nml.and.nr.ge.ir1.and.nr.le.ir2) then ! range of res. for 'nml' ix=ixat(na) atnm=nmat(ia) if (ix.gt.0.and.atnm(1:1).ne.'h') then if ( isl.eq.0 & .or. & (isl.eq.1.and.(index(atnm,'n ').gt.0 .or. & index(atnm,'ca ').gt.0 .or. & index(atnm,'c ').gt.0 )) & .or. & (isl.eq.2.and.index(atnm,'ca ').gt.0) & ) then n=n+1 x1(1,n)=xat(ia) x1(2,n)=yat(ia) x1(3,n)=zat(ia) x2(1,n)=xrf(ix) x2(2,n)=yrf(ix) x2(3,n)=zrf(ix) endif ! atom selection endif ! ix>0 & not 'h' endif ! res. range in mol. 'nml' enddo ! atoms enddo ! residues enddo ! molecules if (n.lt.3) then write(*,*) ' rmsdopt> <3 atoms selected !' stop endif call fitmol(n,x1,x2, rm,av1,av2,rmsd) return end ! ********************************************* subroutine fitmol(n,x1,x2, rm,a1,a2,rmsd) ! real*8 function fitmol(n,x1,x2) ! ....................................................... ! PURPOSE: compute RMSD of n positions in x1(3,) & x2(3,) ! [S.K.Kearsley Acta Cryst. 1989,A45,208-210] ! ! CALLS: jacobi ! ....................................................... !f2py intent(out) rmsd include 'INCL.H' ! implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) ! implicit integer*4 (i-n) ! ------------------------------------------- input/output double precision dn, a1, a2, x1, x2, q, dm, dp, dxm, dym, dzm, dxp double precision dyp, dzp, e, v, em, rmsd, rm integer n, i, j, ndim4, im dimension x1(3,mxat),x2(3,mxat) ! -------------------------------------------------- local dimension e(4),q(4,4),v(4,4),dm(3),dp(3),a1(3),a2(3),rm(3,3) dn=dble(n) ! ------------------- average of coordinates do i=1,3 a1(i) = 0.d0 a2(i) = 0.d0 do j=1,n a1(i) = a1(i) + x1(i,j) a2(i) = a2(i) + x2(i,j) enddo a1(i) = a1(i)/dn a2(i) = a2(i)/dn enddo ! ------------------------- compile quaternion do i=1,4 do j=1,4 q(i,j)=0.d0 enddo enddo do i=1,n do j=1,3 dm(j) = x1(j,i)-a1(j) dp(j) = x2(j,i)-a2(j) enddo dxm = dp(1) - dm(1) dym = dp(2) - dm(2) dzm = dp(3) - dm(3) dxp = dp(1) + dm(1) dyp = dp(2) + dm(2) dzp = dp(3) + dm(3) q(1,1) = q(1,1) + dxm * dxm + dym * dym + dzm * dzm q(1,2) = q(1,2) + dyp * dzm - dym * dzp q(1,3) = q(1,3) + dxm * dzp - dxp * dzm q(1,4) = q(1,4) + dxp * dym - dxm * dyp q(2,2) = q(2,2) + dyp * dyp + dzp * dzp + dxm * dxm q(2,3) = q(2,3) + dxm * dym - dxp * dyp q(2,4) = q(2,4) + dxm * dzm - dxp * dzp q(3,3) = q(3,3) + dxp * dxp + dzp * dzp + dym * dym q(3,4) = q(3,4) + dym * dzm - dyp * dzp q(4,4) = q(4,4) + dxp * dxp + dyp * dyp + dzm * dzm enddo do i=1,3 do j=i+1,4 q(j,i)=q(i,j) enddo enddo ! ------------------------------ eigenvalues & -vectors ndim4=4 call jacobi(q,ndim4,e,v) ! --------------------------- lowest eigenvalue im=1 em=e(1) do i=2,4 if (e(i).lt.em) then em=e(i) im=i endif enddo rmsd = sqrt(em/dn) ! ================= uncomment following lines to fit molecule 2 onto 1 ! ---------------------------------------------------rotation matrix rm(1,1) = v(1,im)**2+v(2,im)**2-v(3,im)**2-v(4,im)**2 rm(1,2) = 2.d0*( v(2,im)*v(3,im)-v(1,im)*v(4,im) ) rm(1,3) = 2.d0*( v(2,im)*v(4,im)+v(1,im)*v(3,im) ) rm(2,1) = 2.d0*( v(2,im)*v(3,im)+v(1,im)*v(4,im) ) rm(2,2) = v(1,im)**2+v(3,im)**2-v(2,im)**2-v(4,im)**2 rm(2,3) = 2.d0*( v(3,im)*v(4,im)-v(1,im)*v(2,im) ) rm(3,1) = 2.d0*( v(2,im)*v(4,im)-v(1,im)*v(3,im) ) rm(3,2) = 2.d0*( v(3,im)*v(4,im)+v(1,im)*v(2,im) ) rm(3,3) = v(1,im)**2+v(4,im)**2-v(2,im)**2-v(3,im)**2 ! do i=1,n ! do j=1,3 ! dm(j) = x2(j,i) - a2(j) ! enddo ! do j=1,3 ! dp(j) = a1(j) ! do k=1,3 ! dp(j) = dp(j) + rm(j,k) * dm(k) ! enddo ! x2(j,i) = dp(j) ! enddo ! enddo ! fitmol=rmsd return end ! ****************************** subroutine jacobi(a,n,d,v) ! ...................................................... ! PURPOSE: for given symmetric matrix 'a(n,n) ! compute eigenvalues 'd' & eigenvectors 'v(,)' ! ! [W.H.Press,S.A.Teukolsky,W.T.Vetterling, ! B.P.Flannery, Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, ! Cambridge Univ. Press, 2nd Ed. 1992, 456-462] ! ! CALLS: none ! ! ...................................................... !f2py intent(out) d !f2py intent(out) v integer nmax parameter (NMAX=500) integer n,nrot,i,ip,iq,j real*8 a(n,n),d(n),v(n,n), & c,g,h,s,sm,t,tau,theta,tresh,b(NMAX),z(NMAX),smeps smeps=1.0d-6 do ip=1,n b(ip)=a(ip,ip) d(ip)=b(ip) z(ip)=0.d0 do iq=1,n v(ip,iq)=0.d0 enddo v(ip,ip)=1.d0 enddo nrot=0 do i=1,500 sm=0.d0 do ip=1,n-1 do iq=ip+1,n sm=sm+abs(a(ip,iq)) enddo enddo if (sm.le.smeps) return ! normal end if (i.lt.4) then tresh=0.2d0*sm/n**2 else tresh=0.d0 endif do ip=1,n-1 do iq=ip+1,n g=100.d0*abs(a(ip,iq)) if((i.gt.4).and.(abs(d(ip))+ &g.eq.abs(d(ip))).and.(abs(d(iq))+g.eq.abs(d(iq))))then a(ip,iq)=0.d0 else if(abs(a(ip,iq)).gt.tresh)then h=d(iq)-d(ip) if (abs(h)+g.eq.abs(h)) then t=a(ip,iq)/h else theta=0.5d0*h/a(ip,iq) t=1.d0/(abs(theta)+sqrt(1.d0+theta**2)) if (theta.lt.0.d0) t=-t endif c=1.d0/sqrt(1.d0+t**2) s=t*c tau=s/(1.d0+c) h=t*a(ip,iq) z(ip)=z(ip)-h z(iq)=z(iq)+h d(ip)=d(ip)-h d(iq)=d(iq)+h a(ip,iq)=0.d0 do j=1,ip-1 g=a(j,ip) h=a(j,iq) a(j,ip)=g-s*(h+g*tau) a(j,iq)=h+s*(g-h*tau) enddo do j=ip+1,iq-1 g=a(ip,j) h=a(j,iq) a(ip,j)=g-s*(h+g*tau) a(j,iq)=h+s*(g-h*tau) enddo do j=iq+1,n g=a(ip,j) h=a(iq,j) a(ip,j)=g-s*(h+g*tau) a(iq,j)=h+s*(g-h*tau) enddo do j=1,n g=v(j,ip) h=v(j,iq) v(j,ip)=g-s*(h+g*tau) v(j,iq)=h+s*(g-h*tau) enddo nrot=nrot+1 endif enddo enddo do ip=1,n b(ip)=b(ip)+z(ip) d(ip)=b(ip) z(ip)=0.d0 enddo enddo write(*,*) ' jacobi> too many iterations' stop return end ! *********************************************************** subroutine rmsinit(nml,string) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Reads in pdb-file 'string' into INCP.H and initalizes ! the files that 'rmdsopt' needs to calculate the rmsd ! of a configuration with the pdb-configuration ! ! CALLS: pdbread,atixpdb ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! include 'INCL.H' include 'INCP.H' integer i, nml, ier character string*(*) if(string.eq.'smmp') then ! ! Compare with a smmp-structure ! do i=iatrs1(irsml1(nml)),iatrs2(irsml2(nml)) if(nmat(i)(1:1).ne.'h') then ixatp(i)=i else ixatp(i) = 0 end if enddo ! else ! ! Reference structure is read in from pdb-file ! call pdbread(string,ier) if(ier.ne.0) stop call atixpdb(nml) ! end if print *,'RMSD initialized with ',string return end