c ************************************************************** c c This file contains the subroutines: pdbread,pdbvars,atixpdb,getpar c c Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, c Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku c Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, c Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty c c ************************************************************** subroutine pdbread(pdbfil,ier) c .................................................... c PURPOSE: read protein atom coordinates from 'pdbfil' c (no Hydrogens, only ATOM records) c c RETURNS: 0 = no errors / 1 = error c c CALLS: iopfil,iendst c ...................................................... implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) include 'INCP.H' c -------------------------- input character*(*) pdbfil c -------------------------- local dimension cor(3) character atm*4,rsn*3,rsno*3,chn,chno, # rsid*5,rsido*5,line*132 natp=0 nchp=0 nrsp=0 ier=1 chno='&' rsno='#&#' rsido='#&#&#' l=iendst(pdbfil) if (l.gt.0) then lunpdb = 99 else write (*,'(a)') # ' pdbread> empty file name to read pdb-structure' return endif io=iopfil(lunpdb,pdbfil,'old','formatted') if (io.le.0) then write (*,'(a,/,a)') # ' pdbread> ERROR opening file to read pdb-structure: ', # pdbfil(1:iendst(pdbfil)) return endif 1 read (lunpdb,'(a)',end=3,err=2) line l=iendst(line) if (l.lt.54.or.index(line(1:4),'ATOM').le.0) goto 1 if ( line(17:17).ne.' ' ) then write (*,'(a,/,a,/,a,/,2a)') # ' pdbread> found alternate atom location: ', # ' !', # line(:l),' in file: ',pdbfil(1:iendst(pdbfil)) close(lunpdb) return endif atm=line(13:16) if (index(atm(2:2),'H').gt.0) goto 1 ! no H read(line,10,err=2) iat,rsn,chn,rsid,(cor(i),i=1,3) if ((natp+1).gt.MXATP) then write (*,'(a,i5,a,/,a)') # ' pdbread> >MXATP (',MXATP,') ATOM lines in PDB file ', # pdbfil(1:iendst(pdbfil)) close(lunpdb) return endif if (chn.ne.chno) then ! new chain if ((nchp+1).gt.MXCHP) then write (*,'(a,i3,a,/,a)') # ' pdbread> >MXCHP (',MXCHP,') chains in PDB file ', # pdbfil(1:iendst(pdbfil)) close(lunpdb) return endif if ((nrsp+1).gt.MXRSP) then write (*,'(a,i3,a,/,a)') # ' pdbread> >MXRSP (',MXRSP,') residues in PDB file ', # pdbfil(1:iendst(pdbfil)) close(lunpdb) return endif if (nchp.eq.1) then nchrsp(nchp)=nrsp elseif (nchp.gt.1) then nchrsp(nchp)=nrsp-nchrsp(nchp) endif nchp=nchp+1 chno=chn chnp(nchp)=chn nchrsp(nchp)=nrsp ! -1 1st res. if (nrsp.ge.1) then nrsatp(nrsp)=natp-irsatp(nrsp)+1 endif rsido=rsid rsno=rsn nrsp=nrsp+1 irsatp(nrsp)=natp+1 rsnmp(nrsp)=rsn rsidp(nrsp)=rsid elseif (rsid.ne.rsido.or.rsn.ne.rsno) then ! new residue if ((nrsp+1).gt.MXRSP) then write (*,'(a,i3,a,/,a)') # ' pdbread> >MXRSP (',MXRSP,') residues in PDB file ', # pdbfil(1:iendst(pdbfil)) close(lunpdb) return endif nrsatp(nrsp)=natp-irsatp(nrsp)+1 rsido=rsid rsno=rsn nrsp=nrsp+1 irsatp(nrsp)=natp+1 rsnmp(nrsp)=rsn rsidp(nrsp)=rsid endif natp=natp+1 noatp(natp)=iat atnmp(natp)=atm xatp(natp)=cor(1) yatp(natp)=cor(2) zatp(natp)=cor(3) goto 1 2 write (*,'(a,/,a,/,2a)') # ' pdbread> ERROR reading ATOM line ', # line(:l), # ' from file ',pdbfil(1:iendst(pdbfil)) close(lunpdb) return 3 close(lunpdb) if (natp.gt.0) then if (nchp.eq.1) then nchrsp(nchp)=nrsp elseif (nchp.gt.1) then nchrsp(nchp)=nrsp-nchrsp(nchp) endif nrsatp(nrsp)=natp-irsatp(nrsp)+1 ier=0 else write (*,'(a,/,a)') # ' pdbread> NO atom coordinates selected from file ', # pdbfil(1:iendst(pdbfil)) endif return 10 format(6x,i5,6x,a3,1x,a1,a5,3x,3d8.3) end c ************************************************************** subroutine pdbvars() c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c PURPOSE: sequence,indices for selected atoms (data in INCP.H) c & torsions from PDB to be used to build SMMP structure c c ixatp(i,) c = indices for SMMP atoms pointing to PDB atoms c (=0, if atom not selected) c c --------------------------------- ref. point & axes c ixrfpt(3,),rfpt(3,),xrfax(3,),yrfax(3,),zrfax(3,) c c CALLS: tolost,getmol,bldmol,addend,atixpdb,setmvs,mklist, c dihedr,fnd3ba,setsys,getpar,setvar,rmsdopt c -------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'INCL.H' include 'INCP.H' character res*3 dimension rm(3,3),av1(3),av2(3),h(3) nml=0 nrs=0 do nc=1,nchp ! PDB chains c =============================== SMMP molecule nml=nml+1 if (nml.gt.mxml) then write(*,'(a,i4,2a)')' pdbvars> NUMBER of chains > ' # ,mxml,' in ',' ?' stop endif ntlml=nml c ----------------------------- 'nmml' = ChainID nmml(nml)=chnp(nc) c ======================================== get sequence irb=nrs+1 ire=nrs+nchrsp(nc) c ----------------------------- # of 1st & last residue irsml1(nml)=irb irsml2(nml)=ire do irs=irb,ire ! residues of chain 'nc' nrs=nrs+1 if (nrs.gt.mxrs) then write(*,'(a,i4,2a)') ' pdbvars> NUMBER of residues > ' # ,mxrs,' in ',' ?' stop endif res=rsnmp(irs) call tolost(res) seq(nrs)=res if (.not.flex.and.irs.eq.irb.and.seq(nrs)(1:3).eq.'pro') # seq(nrs)='pron' ! only ECEPP/3 enddo ! residues c ======================== get initial coords. for molecule 'nml' c with library values for deg. of freedom call getmol(nml) ! assemble res. data from libraries do i=1,6 ! initialize global parameters gbpr(i,nml)=zero enddo call bldmol(nml) ! co-ordinates call addend(nml,'nh2 ','cooh') ! modify ends call atixpdb(nml) ! get 'ixatp' c -------------------------- 'load' SMMP variable information call setmvs(nml) ! moving sets call mklist(nml) ! interaction lists c ================================= get variables for 'nml' ii=ivrml1(nml) do i=ii,ii+nvrml(nml)-1 ! SMMP torsions isrfvr(i) = .false. fxvr(i) = .false. idvr(i) = i it = ityvr(i) i1 = iatvr(i) if (it.eq.3) then ! torsion i2=iowat(i1) ! indices of SMMP atoms i3=iowat(i2) i4=iowat(i3) j1=ixatp(i1) ! inds. for corresp. PDB atoms j2=ixatp(i2) j3=ixatp(i3) j4=ixatp(i4) if (j1.le.0.or.j2.le.0.or.j3.le.0.or.j4.le.0) then vlvr(i) = toat(i1) ! default value from library else ! get value from PDB xat(i1)=xatp(j1) yat(i1)=yatp(j1) zat(i1)=zatp(j1) xat(i2)=xatp(j2) yat(i2)=yatp(j2) zat(i2)=zatp(j2) xat(i3)=xatp(j3) yat(i3)=yatp(j3) zat(i3)=zatp(j3) xat(i4)=xatp(j4) yat(i4)=yatp(j4) zat(i4)=zatp(j4) vlvr(i) = dihedr(i1,i2,i3,i4) isrfvr(i) = .true. endif elseif (it.eq.2) then ! b.angle vlvr(i)=baat(i1) elseif (it.eq.1) then ! b.length vlvr(i)=blat(i1) endif olvlvr(i) = vlvr(i) enddo ! SMMP vars. nvr = ivrml1(ntlml)+nvrml(ntlml)-1 c ================================= global parameters for 'nml' c +++++++++++ inew=0 if (inew.eq.1) then c ++++++++++++++++++++++++ call setvar(nml,vlvr) nrs = irsml2(nml)-irsml1(nml)+1 call rmsdopt(nml,1,nrs,ixatp,xatp,yatp,zatp,0,rm,av1,av2,rmsd) c ---------------------------- retrieve ref. coords. c & transform acc. to opt. rmsd do i=1,3 ii=ixrfpt(i,nml) h(1)=xat(ii)-av1(1) h(2)=yat(ii)-av1(2) h(3)=zat(ii)-av1(3) x=av2(1) y=av2(2) z=av2(3) do j=1,3 x = x + rm(j,1) * h(j) y = y + rm(j,2) * h(j) z = z + rm(j,3) * h(j) enddo xat(ii)=x yat(ii)=y zat(ii)=z enddo call getpar(nml) call bldmol(nml) ! finally build SMMP molecule c ++++++++++++++++ else ! old c ++++++++++++++++ call fnd3ba(nml,i1,i2,i3) ! three 1st bb atoms in SMMP (e.g. n,ca,c') ixrfpt(1,nml)=i1 ixrfpt(2,nml)=i2 ixrfpt(3,nml)=i3 c -------------------------------- retrieve ref. coords. do i=1,3 ii=ixrfpt(i,nml) ix=ixatp(ii) if (ix.gt.0) then xat(ii)=xatp(ix) yat(ii)=yatp(ix) zat(ii)=zatp(ix) else write(*,'(3a)') ' pdbvars> missing PDB atom ',nmat(ii), # ' is ref. point for SMMP - cannot proceed !' endif enddo call getpar(nml) call setvar(nml,vlvr) ! finally build SMMP molecule nrs = irsml2(nml)-irsml1(nml)+1 call rmsdopt(nml,1,nrs,ixatp,xatp,yatp,zatp,0,rm,av1,av2,rmsd) c ++++++++++ endif c ++++++++++ write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) ' Initial RMSD ',rmsd enddo ! chains(molecules) return end c *************************** subroutine atixpdb(nml) c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c PURPOSE: get ixatp - pointer of each SMMP atom to corresponding atom c of reference structure loaded in 'INCP.H' c (=0 if no corr. atom in ref. str.) c c CALLS: toupst c -------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'INCL.H' include 'INCP.H' character*4 atm atm=' ' do irs=irsml1(nml),irsml2(nml) ! SMMP residues i1=irsatp(irs) i2=i1+nrsatp(irs)-1 do iat=iatrs1(irs),iatrs2(irs) ! SMMP atoms ix=0 if (nmat(iat)(1:1).ne.'h') then ! ignore hydrogens atm(2:4)=nmat(iat)(1:3) call toupst(atm) do i=i1,i2 ! atoms of PDB residue if (index(atnmp(i),atm).gt.0) then ix=i goto 1 endif enddo c write(*,'(8a)') ' pdbvars> ',atm,' not found in ' c # ,chnp(nc),' ',rsidp(irs),' ',rsnmp(irs) endif 1 ixatp(iat)=ix enddo ! SMMP atoms of 'irs' enddo ! residues return end c ************************** subroutine getpar(nml) include 'INCL.H' parameter (TOL = 1.d-12) c Obtain molecule-fixed system (J,K,L) for 1st 3 bb-atoms, c -> determine global parameters: shifts dX,dY,dZ c & angles alpha,beta,gamma [rad], put into 'gbpr' c c CALLS: none c i1=ixrfpt(1,nml) ! from 'INCL.H' i2=ixrfpt(2,nml) i3=ixrfpt(3,nml) c -------------------------------------- Shifts gbpr(1,nml) = xat(i1) gbpr(2,nml) = yat(i1) gbpr(3,nml) = zat(i1) do i = 4,6 gbpr(i,nml) = 0.d0 enddo c --------------------------------- J h1=xat(i2) h2=yat(i2) h3=zat(i2) x1=h1-xat(i1) x2=h2-yat(i1) x3=h3-zat(i1) d=sqrt(x1*x1+x2*x2+x3*x3) x1=x1/d x2=x2/d x3=x3/d c --------------------------------- L h1=xat(i3)-h1 h2=yat(i3)-h2 h3=zat(i3)-h3 z1=x2*h3-x3*h2 z2=x3*h1-x1*h3 z3=x1*h2-x2*h1 d=sqrt(z1*z1+z2*z2+z3*z3) z1=z1/d z2=z2/d z3=z3/d c ---------------------------------- K y1=z2*x3-z3*x2 y2=z3*x1-z1*x3 y3=z1*x2-z2*x1 if ( ( 1.d0 - abs(y3) ) .gt. TOL ) then ! ============ |beta| < PI/2 c ----------------------------------------------- Y' d = sqrt( y1 * y1 + y2 * y2 ) yp1= y1 / d yp2= y2 / d gbpr(4,nml)= atan2( -yp1, yp2 ) ! alpha gbpr(5,nml)= atan2( y3, ( y1*yp1+y2*yp2 ) ) ! beta gbpr(6,nml)= atan2( ( z1*yp2-z2*yp1 ),( x1*yp2-x2*yp1 ) ) ! gamma else ! ======================= |beta| = PI/2 gbpr(4,nml) = atan2( x2, x1 ) ! alpha+gamma if ( abs(y3) .lt. 1.d0 ) then ! beta gbpr(5,nml) = asin(y3) else if ( y3 .gt. 0.d0 ) then gbpr(5,nml) = pi*.5d0 else gbpr(5,nml) = -pi*.5d0 endif gbpr(6,nml) = 0.0 endif return end