! ************************************************************** ! ! This file contains the subroutines: partem_s ! ! Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku c Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, c Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty ! ! ! ************************************************************** subroutine partem_s(num_rep, nequi, nswp, nmes, nsave, newsta, & switch) ! ! PURPOSE: SIMULATION OF PROTEINS BY PARALLEL TEMPERING ALGORITHM ! ON SINGLE-PROCESSOR MACHINE. ! ! CALLS: addang,energy,metropolis,rgyr,setvar, ! include 'INCL.H' external can_weight ! TODO Store global coordinates in pgbpr logical :: newsta integer :: num_rep, nequi, nswp, nmes, nsave, switch real*8 :: ttemp character*80 :: filebase, fileNameMP parameter(gasc=0.00198773d0) ! newsta: .true. for re-start; .false. for random start configurations ! no: Number of replicas ! nvrmax: Maximal number of dihdral angles ! nequi: Number of sweeps for equilibrisation ! nswp: Number of sweeps for simulation ! nmes: Number of sweeps between measurements ! gasc: Gas constant ! real*8, allocatable :: coor_G(:, :),pbe(:), & eol(:),acc(:),temp(:), pgbpr(:, :, :) integer, allocatable :: ipoi(:) ! temp: temperatures for each replica ! coor_G: dihedral angles for ALL replicas ! pbe: inverse temperatures for each replica ! ipoi: Points to replica ipoi(k) which is currently ! at inverse temperature pbe(k) ! eol: energy of each replica ! acc: accepatance rate of each replica ! ! beta: inverse temperature of single replica ! ! ! Allocate the arrays allocate(coor_G(nvr, num_rep)) allocate(pgbpr(6, ntlml, num_rep)) allocate(temp(num_rep), pbe(num_rep), eol(num_rep)) allocate(acc(num_rep), ipoi(num_rep)) if (.not.(allocated(coor_G).and.allocated(temp) & .and. allocated(pbe).and. allocated(eol) & .and. allocated(acc).and. allocated(ipoi))) then stop "Unable to allocate memory in partem_s. Exiting." end if ! Initialize arrays do i = 1, num_rep do j = 1, nvr coor_G(j, i) = 0.0 end do do nml = 1, ntlml do j = 1, 6 pgbpr(j, nml, i) = 0.0 end do end do temp(i) = 0.0 pbe(i) = 0.0 eol(i) = 0.0 acc(i) = 0.0 ipoi(i) = 0 end do ! READ IN TEMPERATURES open(11, file='temperatures', status='old') do i=1,num_rep read(11,*) j,ttemp temp(j) = ttemp pbe(j) = 1.0d0/(ttemp * gasc) ipoi(j) = j end do close(11) open(13,file='time.d',status='unknown') if(.not.newsta) then ! READ START Values open(15,file='par_R.in',form='unformatted') do k = 1, num_rep read(15) nstart read(15) eol(k) lunvar = 14 filebase = 'conf_0000.var' varfil = fileNameMP(filebase, 6, 9, k) call redvar() end do close(15) else nstart=1 do i=1,num_rep if (switch.ne.0) then do j=1,nvr iv = idvr(j) if (switch.gt.0) then dv=axvr(iv)*(grnd()-0.5) vr=addang(pi,dv) else vr = pi end if coor_G(j,i)=vr end do end if do nml = 1, ntlml do j = 1, 6 pgbpr(j, nml, i) = gbpr(j, nml) end do end do end do ! Equilibrization for each replica (No replica exchange move) do k=1,num_rep beta=pbe(k) do i=1,nvr iv =idvr(i) vlvr(iv) = coor_G(i,k) end do do nml = 1, ntlml do j = 1, 6 gbpr(j, nml) = pgbpr(j, nml, k) end do end do energ = energy() do nsw=1,nequi CALL METROPOLIS(energ,acz,can_weight) end do write(*,*) 'Start energy after equilibration for replica:', & k, energ do i=1,nvr iv = idvr(i) coor_G(i,k) = vlvr(iv) end do do nml = 1, ntlml do j = 1, 6 pgbpr(j, nml, k) = gbpr(j, nml) end do end do eol(k) = energ end do end if ! Now begins the simulation with Multiple Markov Chains iswitch = 1 do nsw=nstart,nswp !-------------------Ordinary MC sweep for each replica do k1=1,num_rep k = ipoi(k1) beta = pbe(k1) energ = eol(k) acz= acc(k) do i=1,nvr iv = idvr(i) vlvr(iv) = coor_G(i,k) end do do i=1,ntlml do j = 1, 6 gbpr(j, nml) = pgbpr(j, i, k) end do call setvar(i,vlvr) end do CALL METROPOLIS(energ,acz,can_weight) ! if(mod(nsw,nmes).eq.0) then ! Measure and store here all quantities you want to analyse later ! ee: end-to-end distance ! rgy: radius of gyration call rgyr(0,ee,rgy) temp0=1.0d0/beta/gasc write(13,'(i8,i3,4f12.3)') nsw,k1,temp0,energ,ee,rgy end if ! do i=1,nvr iv = idvr(i) coor_G(i,k) = vlvr(iv) end do do nml = 1, ntlml do j = 1, 6 pgbpr(j, nml, k) = gbpr(j, nml) end do end do eol(k) = energ acc(k) = acz acz = 0.0d0 end do !------------------Exchange of Replicas if (.not.num_rep.gt.1) cycle ! Skip exchange if we only have a single replica. if(iswitch.eq.1) then num_rep1 = num_rep-1 nu = 1 iswitch = 2 else num_rep1 = num_rep nu = 2 iswitch = 1 end if do i=nu,num_rep1,2 ! labels (inverse) temperatures j=i+1 if(i.eq.num_rep) j=1 in=ipoi(i) jn=ipoi(j) delta=-pbe(i)*eol(jn)-pbe(j)*eol(in) & +pbe(i)*eol(in)+pbe(j)*eol(jn) ra = grnd() if(ra.le.exp(delta)) then ! Metropolis to switch temperatures ipoi(i) = jn ! between replicas ipoi(j) = in end if end do !-----------End exchange of Markov chains ! end do ! ! Write down final conformations for re-starts open(15,file='par_R.in',form='unformatted') do k=1,num_rep write(15) nswp write(15) eol do i=1,nvr iv = idvr(i) vlvr(iv) = coor_G(i,k) end do do i=1,ntlml do j = 1, 6 gbpr(j, nml) = pgbpr(j, i, k) end do call setvar(i,vlvr) end do filebase = "conf_0000.var" call outvar(0, fileNameMP(filebase, 6, 9, k)) end do close(15) close(13) return end