!************************************************************** ! ! This file contains the subroutines: partem_p ! USE WITH main_p, NOT WITH main!!!!!! ! ! Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku ! Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty ! ! ************************************************************** subroutine partem_p(num_rep, nequi, nswp, nmes, nsave, newsta, & switch, rep_id, partem_comm) ! ! PURPOSE: SIMULATION OF PROTEINS BY PARALLEL TEMPERING ALGORITHM ! ON PARALLEL COMPUTERS USING MPI ! ! switch: Choses the starting configuration: ! -1 - stretched configuration ! 0 - don't change anything ! 1 - random start configuration ! ! CALLS: addang,contacts,energy,hbond,helix,iendst,metropolis, ! outvar,(rand),rgyr ! include 'INCL.H' include 'INCP.H' include 'mpif.h' logical newsta integer switch, partem_comm, rep_id, nsave ! external rand external can_weight ! nequi: number of Monte Carlo sweeps for thermalization ! nswp: number of Monte Carlo sweeps ! nmes: number of Monte Carlo sweeps between measurments ! newsta: .true. for new simulations, .false. for re-start dimension eavm(MAX_PROC),sph(MAX_PROC),intem(MAX_PROC), & inode(MAX_PROC), geavm(MAX_PROC), gsph(MAX_PROC) double precision pbe(MAX_PROC),yol(MAX_PROC),acy(MAX_PROC), & acy1(MAX_PROC),acx1(MAX_PROC), & rgyrp(MAX_PROC),rmsdp(MAX_PROC), eol0,rgyp,acz0 double precision e_min, e_minp(MAX_PROC), e_minpt(MAX_PROC) integer h_max, h_maxp(MAX_PROC) ! Order of replica exchange integer odd ! Counter to keep random number generators in sync integer randomCount ! Collect partial energies. Only the root writes to disk. We have to ! collect the information from the different replicas and provide ! arrays to store them. ! eyslr storage array for solvent energy ! eyelp - " - coulomb energy ! eyvwp - " - van-der-Waals energy ! eyhbp - " - hydrogen bonding energy ! eysmi - " - intermolecular interaction energy ! eyabp - " - Abagyan correction term double precision eyslr(MAX_PROC) double precision eyelp(MAX_PROC),eyvwp(MAX_PROC),eyhbp(MAX_PROC), & eyvrp(MAX_PROC),eysmip(MAX_PROC), eyabp(MAX_PROC) ! Collect information about accessible surface and van-der-Waals volume ! asap storage array for solvent accessible surface ! vdvolp storage array for van-der-Waals volume double precision asap(MAX_PROC), vdvolp(MAX_PROC) integer nhelp(MAX_PROC),nbetp(MAX_PROC), mhbp(MAX_PROC), & ncnatp(MAX_PROC),nctotp(MAX_PROC) integer imhbp(MAX_PROC) character*80 filebase, fileNameMP, tbase0,tbase1 ! frame frame number for writing configurations ! trackID configuration that should be tracked and written out ! dir direction in random walk ! -1 - visited highest temperature last ! 1 - visited lowest temperature last ! 0 - haven't visited the boundaries yet. ! dirp storage array for directions. integer frame, trackID, dir integer dirp(MAX_PROC) frame = ifrrm trackID = 1 odd = 1 write (*,*) 'Starting parallel tempering.' write (*,*) 'parameters, ',switch,newsta,nmes,nswp,nmes, & rep_id, num_rep, partem_comm, myrank call flush(6) ! ! ! File with temperatures open(11,file='temperatures',status='old') ! File with reference conformation tbase0='trj_00000' open(18,file=fileNameMP(tbase0,5,9,rep_id),status='unknown') if (rep_id.eq.0.and.myrank.eq.0) then ! File with time series of simulation open(14,file='ts.d',status='unknown') ! Track weights ! open(16, file='weights.dat', status='unknown') endif ! READ IN TEMPERATURES do i=1,num_rep read(11,*) j,temp pbe(j) = 1.0d0/( temp * 1.98773d-3 ) end do close(11) ! nresi: number of residues nresi=irsml2(1)-irsml1(1)+1 ! ! Initialize variables do i=1,num_rep acx1(i) = 0.0d0 acy(i) = 0.0d0 eavm(i) = 0.0d0 sph(i) = 0.0d0 geavm(i) =0.0d0 gsph(i) = 0.0d0 e_minp(i) = 1.0d15 h_maxp(i) = 0 dirp(i) = 0 end do dirp(1) = 1 dirp(num_rep) = -1 e_min = 1.0d15 h_max = 0 dir = dirp(rep_id + 1) ! _________________________________ Initialize Variables if(newsta) then iold=0 do i=1,num_rep inode(i) = i intem(i) = i end do ! _________________________________ initialize starting configuration if (switch.ne.0) then do i=1,nvr iv=idvr(i) ! provides index of non-fixed variable if (switch.gt.0) then dv=axvr(i)*(grnd()-0.5) vr=addang(pi,dv) else vr = pi endif vlvr(iv)=vr enddo endif else if(rep_id.eq.0.and.myrank.eq.0) then open(13,file='par_R.in', status='unknown') read(13,*) iold do i=1,num_rep read(13,*) j,inode(i),intem(i),yol(i),e_minp(i),h_maxp(i) write (*,*) "par_R.in:",i,j end do jold=(iold/nmes)*num_rep rewind 14 do i=1,jold read(14,*) idum1,idum2,idum3,dummy, dir & ,dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy & ,dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy & ,dummy, idum1, idum2, idum3 & ,idum1, idum2, idum3, e_min & ,dummy, dummy write (*,*) i call flush(6) end do close(13) end if CALL MPI_BCAST(IOLD,1,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR) CALL MPI_BCAST(INTEM,num_rep,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR) CALL MPI_BCAST(INODE,num_rep,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR) CALL MPI_BCAST(YOL,num_rep,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0, & MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR) CALL MPI_BCAST(E_MINP, num_rep, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, & MPI_COMM_WORLD, IERR) CALL MPI_BCAST(h_maxp,num_rep,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD, & IERR) end if BETA = pbe(inode(rep_id+1)) e_min = e_minp(inode(rep_id+1)) h_max = h_maxp(inode(rep_id+1)) write (*,*) "E_min=",e_min," for ", intem(rep_id + 1) eol=energy() if(.not.newsta.and.abs(yol(rep_id + 1) - eol).gt.0.1) then write(*,*) rep_id, ' Warning: yol(rep_id).ne.eol:' write(*,*) rep_id, yol(rep_id + 1), eol endif ! Start of simulation write (*,*) '[',rep_id, myrank, beta, partem_comm, & '] Energy before equilibration:', eol ! =====================Equilibration by canonical Metropolis do nsw=1,nequi call metropolis(eol,acz,can_weight) end do CALL MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR) write (*,*) '[',rep_id,'] Energy after equilibration:', eol call flush(6) ! !======================Multiple Markov Chains acz = 0 do nsw=1,nswp !------------First ordinary Metropolis call metropolis(eol,acz,can_weight) iold = iold + 1 eol0 = eol if (myrank.eq.0.and.rep_id.eq.0) then write (*,*) "Finished sweep", nsw call flush(6) endif if(mod(iold,nmes).eq.0) then if ((rep_id + 1).eq.trackID.and.myrank.eq.0) then frame = iold /nmes filebase = "frame_00000.pdb" call outpdb(0, fileNameMP(filebase, 7, 11, frame)) endif acz0 = acz ! Evaluate RMSD nml = 1 rmsv = rmsdfun(nml,irsml1(nml),irsml2(nml),ixatp,xatp,yatp, & & zatp,0) ! print *,myrank,'received RMSD,energy ',rmsv,eyab,beta ! Measure global radius of gyration call rgyr(0,rgy,ee) rgyp = rgy ! Measure Helicity and Sheetness call helix(nhel,mhel,nbet,mbet) ! Measure Number of hydrogen bonds mhb = 0 do i = 1, ntlml call hbond(i,tmhb,-1) mhb = mhb + 1 enddo call interhbond(imhb) ! Measure total number of contacts (NCTOT) and number of ! native contacts (NCNAT) call contacts(nctot,ncnat,dham) ! Add tracking of lowest energy configuration if (eol.lt.e_min) then ! Write out configuration i=rep_id+1 j=inode(i) e_min = eol filebase = "c_emin_0000.pdb" call outpdb(0, fileNameMP(filebase, 8, 11, j)) filebase = "c_emin_0000.var" call outvar(0, fileNameMP(filebase, 8, 11, j)) filebase = "c_emin_0000.dat" open(15, file=fileNameMP(filebase, 8, 11, j), & status="unknown") ! write(15,'(i8,2i4,f6.2,2f8.2,5i8)') iold,i,j,pbe(i), write(15,*) iold,i,j,pbe(i), & eol, eyab, eysl, eyel, eyvw, eyhb, eyvr, eysmi,asa, & vdvol, rgy, nhel, nbet, mhb, imhb, nctot,ncnat close(15) endif ! Add tracking of configuration with larges hydrogen contents. if ((mhb + imhb).gt.h_max) then ! Write out configuration i = rep_id + 1 j = inode(i) h_max = mhb + imhb filebase = "c_hmax_0000.pdb" call outpdb(0,fileNameMP(filebase,8,11,j)) filebase = "c_hmax_0000.var" call outvar(0,fileNameMP(filebase,8,11,j)) filebase = "c_hmax_0000.dat" open(15, file=fileNameMP(filebase, 8, 11, j), & status="unknown") ! write(15,'(i8,2i4,f6.2,2f8.2,5i8)') iold,i,j,pbe(i), write(15,*) iold,i,j,pbe(i), & eol, eyab, eysl, eyel, eyvw, eyhb, eyvr, eysmi,asa, & vdvol, rgy, nhel, nbet, mhb, imhb, nctot,ncnat close(15) endif ! !--------------------Gather measurement data ! I only use the master node of each replica for data collection. The ! variable partem_comm provides the appropriate communicator. if (partem_comm.ne.MPI_COMM_NULL) then CALL MPI_GATHER(rmsv,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,rmsdp,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(eyab,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,eyabp,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(RGYP,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,RGYRP,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(NHEL,1,MPI_INTEGER,NHELP,1,MPI_INTEGER, & 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(NBET,1,MPI_INTEGER,NBETP,1,MPI_INTEGER, & 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(MHB,1,MPI_INTEGER,MHBP,1,MPI_INTEGER, & 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(iMHB,1,MPI_INTEGER,iMHBP,1,MPI_INTEGER, & 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(NCTOT,1,MPI_INTEGER,NCTOTP,1,MPI_INTEGER, & 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(NCNAT,1,MPI_INTEGER,NCNATP,1,MPI_INTEGER, & 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(dir,1,MPI_INTEGER,dirp,1,MPI_INTEGER, & 0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(acz0,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,acy1,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(e_min,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,e_minp,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0, partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(EOL0,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,YOL,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(eysl,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,eyslr,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(eyel,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,eyelp,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(eyvw,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,eyvwp,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(eyhb,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,eyhbp,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(eyvr,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,eyvrp,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(eysmi,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,eysmip,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(asa,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,asap,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(vdvol,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,vdvolp,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) ! CALL MPI_GATHER(EOL0,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,YOL,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, ! & 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR) ! CALL MPI_GATHER(E_MIN, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, E_MINP, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, ! & 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD, IERR) ! Write trajectory write (18,*) '@@@',iold,inode(rep_id+1) call outvbs(0,18) write (18,*) '###' ! call flush(18) ! Write current configuration if ((mod(iold, nsave).eq.0)) then filebase = "conf_0000.var" call outvar(0, fileNameMP(filebase, 6, 9, rep_id+1)) endif endif if(rep_id.eq.0.and.myrank.eq.0) then randomCount = 0 ! Update acceptance, temperature wise average of E and E^2 used to calculate ! specific heat. do i=1,num_rep j=intem(i) acy(i)=0.0 ! Above: contents of acy1 are added to acy(i) a few lines down. ! acy1(intem(i)) contains information received from the node at temperature ! i, on how many updates have been accepted in node intem(i). Since acz ! is not reset to 0 every cycle, acy(i) must be set to 0 here. Else, there ! will be serious double counting and the values of acceptance printed ! will be simply wrong. e_minpt(i)=e_minp(intem(i)) end do do i=1, num_rep e_minp(i) = e_minpt(i) j=intem(i) acy(i)=acy(i)+acy1(j) eavm(i)= eavm(i)+yol(j) sph(i) = sph(i)+yol(j)*yol(j) enddo ! Write measurements to the time series file ts.d do i=1,num_rep j=intem(i) write(14,*) iold,i,j,pbe(i), dirp(j), & yol(j),eyslr(j), eyelp(j), eyvwp(j), eyhbp(j), & eyvrp(j),eysmip(j), asap(j), vdvolp(j), & rgyrp(j),nhelp(j),nbetp(j),mhbp(j), & imhbp(j), nctotp(j),ncnatp(j), e_minp(i), & eyabp(j),rmsdp(j) ! call flush(14) end do ! Write the current parallel tempering information into par_R.in ! timeLeft = llwrem(2) ! Time left till hard limit ! if ((mod(iold, nsave).eq.0).or.(timeLeft.lt.minTimeLeft) if ((mod(iold, nsave).eq.0)) & then open(13,file='par_R.in', status='unknown') write(13,*) iold do i=1,num_rep write(13,*) i,inode(i),intem(i),yol(i),e_minp(i), & h_maxp(i) end do ! -------------------------- Various statistics of current run ! swp=nswp-nequi swp=nsw write(13,*) 'Acceptance rate for change of chains:' do k1=1,num_rep temp=1.0d0/pbe(k1)/0.00198773 write(13,*) temp, acx1(k1)*2.0d0*nmes/swp ! Above: it's the acceptance rate of exchange of replicas. Since a ! replica exchange is attempted only once every nmes sweeps, the ! rate should be normalized with (nmes/swp). end do write(13,*) do k1=1,num_rep k = intem(k1) temp=1.0d0/pbe(k1)/0.00198773 beta = pbe(k1) geavm(k1) = nmes*eavm(k1)/swp gsph(k1) = (nmes*sph(k1)/swp-geavm(k1)**2) & *beta*beta/nresi write(13,'(a,2f9.2,i4,f12.3)') & 'Temperature, Node,local acceptance rate:', & beta,temp,k,acy(k1)/dble(nsw*nvr) ! Above: Changed (nswp-nequi) in the denominator of acceptance as ! acceptance values are initialized to 0 after equilibration cycles are ! finished. Note also that since this is being written in the middle of ! the simulation, it is normalized to nsw instead of nswp. write(13,'(a,3f12.2)') & 'Last Energy, Average Energy, Spec. Heat:', & yol(k),geavm(k1),gsph(k1) write(13,*) end do close(13) ! Finally, flush the time series and trajectory files to ensure that we can do ! a proper restart. call flush(14) call flush(18) end if !--------------------Parallel Tempering update ! Swap with right neighbor (odd, even) if(odd.eq.1) then nu=1 no1 = num_rep-1 ! Swap with left neighbor (even, odd) else nu = 2 no1 = num_rep end if do i=nu,no1,2 j=i+1 ! Periodic bc for swaps if(i.eq.num_rep) j=1 in=intem(i) jn=intem(j) wij=exp(-pbe(i)*yol(jn)-pbe(j)*yol(in) & +pbe(i)*yol(in)+pbe(j)*yol(jn)) ! The random number generator is getting out of sync here, because ! the swap is only done on node 0! ! Keep track of number of random numbers used. rd=grnd() randomCount = randomCount + 1 ! write (16,*) '>', iold, i,j ! & ,pbe(i),yol(in), pbe(j), yol(jn), wij, rd if(wij.ge.rd) then ! Next line: Replica exchange only happens after equilibration, ! which takes place outside this loop over nsw. So, I think nsw.gt.nequi ! is irrelevant for the calculation of acceptance of replica exchanges. ! /Sandipan ! if(nsw.gt.nequi) acx1(i) = acx1(i)+1 intem(i) = jn intem(j) = in inode(in)= j inode(jn)= i end if end do ! ---------------- End Loop over nodes which creates a new temperature ! map for all nodes, at the node with rank 0. ! odd = 1 - odd end if ! End of "if (myrank.eq.0) ...". The block above includes PT update and ! writing of observables into the time series file etc. ! Below: Communicate new temperature-node map to all nodes CALL MPI_BCAST(INTEM,num_rep,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD, & IERR) CALL MPI_BCAST(INODE,num_rep,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD, & IERR) CALL MPI_BCAST(E_MINP,num_rep,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0, & MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR) CALL MPI_BCAST(H_MAXP,num_rep,MPI_INTEGER,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD, & IERR) ! Synchronize random number generators for replica 0 if (rep_id.eq.0) then CALL MPI_BCAST(randomCount,1,MPI_INTEGER,0,my_mpi_comm, & IERR) if (myrank.ne.0) then ! write (*,*) '[', myrank,'] Missed', randomCount, ! & 'random numbers.' do i = 1, randomCount rd = grnd() ! write (*,*) '[', myrank,'] rd=', rd enddo endif endif BETA=PBE(INODE(rep_id+1)) e_min = e_minp(inode(rep_id+1)) h_max = h_maxp(inode(rep_id+1)) if (INODE(rep_id + 1).eq.1) dir = 1 if (INODE(rep_id + 1).eq.num_rep) dir = -1 endif ! End of "if (mod(iold,nmes).eq.0) ..." end do !-----------End Loop over sweeps ! ! OUTPUT: !--------------------For Re-starts: nu = rep_id + 1 filebase = "conf_0000.var" call outvar(0, fileNameMP(filebase, 6, 9, nu)) e_final=energy() if (partem_comm.ne.MPI_COMM_NULL) then write (*,*) rep_id, ' E_final', e_final endif eol0 = eol acz0 = acz if (partem_comm.ne.MPI_COMM_NULL) then CALL MPI_GATHER(EOL0,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,YOL,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) CALL MPI_GATHER(acz0,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,acy1,1, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,partem_comm,IERR) endif if(rep_id.eq.0.and.myrank.eq.0) then close(14) open(13,file='par_R.in', status='unknown') write(13,*) iold do i=1,num_rep write(13,*) i,inode(i),intem(i),yol(i),e_minp(i),h_maxp(i) end do ! -------------------------- Various statistics of current run swp=nswp write(13,*) 'Acceptance rate for change of chains:' do k1=1,num_rep temp=1.0d0/pbe(k1)/0.00198773 write(13,*) temp, acx1(k1)*2.0d0*nmes/swp end do write(13,*) do k1=1,num_rep k = intem(k1) temp=1.0d0/pbe(k1)/0.00198773 beta = pbe(k1) geavm(k1) = nmes*eavm(k1)/swp gsph(k1) = (nmes*sph(k1)/swp-geavm(k1)**2)*beta*beta/nresi write(13,'(a,2f9.2,i4,f12.3)') & 'Temperature, Node,local acceptance rate:', & beta,temp,k,acy(k1)/dble((nswp)*nvr) write(13,'(a,3f12.2)') & 'Last Energy, Average Energy, Spec. Heat:', & yol(k),geavm(k1),gsph(k1) write(13,*) end do close(13) ! close(16) end if close(18) ! ===================== CALL MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,IERR) return end