! ************************************************************** ! ! This file contains the subroutines: outvar ! ! Copyright 2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku ! Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty ! ! ************************************************************** subroutine outvar(nml,fileName) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Output of variables of the current protein conformation !- ! nml != 0 : molecule index ! nml = 0 : all molecules ! fileName = '' : write to standard output ! fileName != '' : write into file with name ! ! CALLS: iendst,iopfil,ibegst,nursvr !------------------------------------------------------------------- include 'INCL.H' character*(*) fileName if (nml.lt.0.or.nml.gt.ntlml) then write(*,*) ' outvar> No such molecule #',nml,' !' return endif if (ibegst(fileName).gt.0) then iout = 98 open(iout, file=fileName, status='unknown') else iout = 6 endif call outvbs(nml, iout) if (iout.ne.6) close(iout) return end subroutine outvbs(nml, iout) include 'INCL.H' character mlfd*7,strg(6)*17 if (nml.lt.0.or.nml.gt.ntlml) then write(*,*) ' outvbs> No such molecule #',nml,' !' return elseif (nml.gt.0) then im1 = nml im2 = nml else im1 = 1 im2 = ntlml endif do iml = im1,im2 write(mlfd,'(i4,a3)') iml,' : ' ! --------------------------------- global pars. if ( gbpr(1,iml).ne.zero & .or.gbpr(2,iml).ne.zero & .or.gbpr(3,iml).ne.zero & .or.gbpr(4,iml).ne.zero & .or.gbpr(5,iml).ne.zero & .or.gbpr(6,iml).ne.zero ) then do i = 1,3 write(strg(i),'(f17.6)') gbpr(i,iml) enddo do i = 4,6 write(strg(i),'(f17.6)') (gbpr(i,iml)*crd) enddo write(iout,'(1x,2a,1x,12a)') & '@ ',mlfd,(strg(i)(ibegst(strg(i)):),',',i=1,5), & strg(6)(ibegst(strg(6)):) endif ifivr = ivrml1(iml) is = irsml1(iml)-1 do i = ifivr,ifivr+nvrml(iml)-1 if (.not.fxvr(i)) then write(iout,'(3x,a,i3,1x,a,1x,a,1x,a,1x,f10.3)') & mlfd,(nursvr(i)-is),':',nmvr(i),':',vlvr(i)*crd else it=ityvr(i) if (it.eq.3) then write(iout,'(3x,a,i3,1x,a,1x,a,1x,a,1x,f10.3,1x,a)') & mlfd,(nursvr(i)-is),':',nmvr(i),':',vlvr(i)*crd & ,' &' endif endif enddo ! internal vars enddo ! molecules end subroutine outvbs