c ************************************************************** c c This file contains the subroutines: minqsn,mc11a,mc11e c c Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, c Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku c Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, c Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty c c ************************************************************** subroutine minqsn(n,mxn,x,f,g,scal,acur,h,d,w,xa,ga,xb,gb,maxfun, # nfun) c ............................................................. c PURPOSE: Quasi-Newton minimizer c c Unconstrained local minimization of function FUNC c vs. N variables by quasi-Newton method using BFGS- c formula to update hessian matrix; approximate line c searches performed using cubic extra-/interpolation c [see Gill P.E., Murray W., Wright M.H., Practical c Optimization, Ch., ff.,, c] c c INPUT: X,F,G - variables, value of FUNC, gradient at START c SCAL - factors to reduce(increase) initial step & c its lower bound for line searches, diagonal c elements of initial hessian matrix c MXN - maximal overall number of function calls c c OUTPUT: X,F,G - variables, value of FUNC, gradient at MINIMUM c NFUN - overall number of function calls used c c ARRAYS: H - approximate hessian matrix in symmetric storage c (dimension N(N+1)/2) c W,D,XA,XB,GA,GB - dimension N c c CALLS: MOVE - external to calculate function for current X c and its gradients c MC11E- solve system H*D=-G for search direction D, where c H is given in Cholesky-factorization c MC11A- update H using BFGS formula, factorizise new H c according to Cholesky (modified to maintain its c positive definiteness) c c PARAMETERS: c c EPS1 - checks reduction of FUNC during line search c ( 0.0001 <= EPS1 < 0.5 ) c EPS2 - controls accuracy of line search (reduce to increase c accuracy; EPS1 < EPS2 <= 0.9 ) c ACUR - fractional precision for determination of variables c (should not be smaller than sqrt of machine accuracy) c TINY - prevent division by zero during cubic extrapolation c ............................................................. implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter ( eps1=0.1d0, # eps2=0.7d0, # tiny=1.d-32, # zero=0.d0, # izero=0, # ione=1 ) dimension x(mxn),g(mxn),scal(mxn),h(mxn*(mxn+1)/2),d(mxn),w(mxn), # xa(mxn),ga(mxn),xb(mxn),gb(mxn) nfun=0 itr=0 dff=0. c _______________ hessian to a diagonal matrix depending on scale c=0. do i=1,n c=max(c,abs(g(i)*scal(i))) enddo if (c.le.0.) c=1. n1=n+1 i1=(n*n1)/2 do i=1,i1 h(i)=0. enddo j=1 do i=1,n h(j)=.01*c/scal(i)**2 j=j+n1-i enddo 1 isfv=1 ! Re-start Search from Best Point so far fa=f do i=1,n xa(i)=x(i) ga(i)=g(i) enddo 2 itr=itr+1 ! Start New Line-search from A c ______________ search direction of the iteration do i=1,n d(i)=-ga(i) enddo call MC11E (h,n,mxn,d,w,n) c=0. dga=0. do i=1,n di=d(i) c=max(c,abs(di/scal(i))) dga=dga+ga(i)*di ! directional derivative enddo c=1./c if (dga.ge.0.) goto 5 ! search is uphill fmin=fa gmin=dga stmin=0. stepub=0. ! initial upper and steplb=acur*c ! lower bound on step c ________________________ initial step of the line search if (dff.gt.0.) then step=min(1.d0,(dff+dff)/(-dga)) else step=min(1.d0,c) endif 3 if (nfun.ge.maxfun) then cc write (*,*) ' minfor> exceeded max. number of function calls' return endif c=stmin+step ! Step along Search direction A->B do i=1,n xb(i)=xa(i)+c*d(i) enddo nfun=nfun+1 call MOVE(nfun,n,fb,xb,gb) isfv=min(2,isfv) if (fb.le.f) then if (fb.eq.f) then gl1=0. gl2=0. do i=1,n si=scal(i)**2 gl1=gl1+si*g(i)**2 gl2=gl2+si*gb(i)**2 enddo if (gl2.ge.gl1) goto 4 endif c ______________ store function value if it is smallest so far f=fb do i=1,n x(i)=xb(i) g(i)=gb(i) enddo isfv=3 endif 4 dgb=0. do i=1,n dgb=dgb+gb(i)*d(i) ! directional derivative at B enddo if (fb-fa.le.eps1*c*dga) then ! sufficient reduction of F stmin=c fmin=fb gmin=dgb stepub=stepub-step ! new upper bound on step c _______________________________ next step by extrapolation if (stepub.gt.0.) then step=.5*stepub else step=9.*stmin endif c=dga+3.*dgb-4.*(fb-fa)/stmin if (c.gt.0.) step=min(step,stmin*max(1.d0,-dgb/c)) if (dgb.lt.eps2*dga) goto 3 ! line minimization still not ! accurate enough -> further step isfv=4-isfv if (stmin+step.gt.steplb) then ! line minim. complete -> ! update Hessian do i=1,n xa(i)=xb(i) xb(i)=ga(i) d(i)=gb(i)-ga(i) ga(i)=gb(i) enddo ir=-n sig=1./dga call MC11A (h,n,mxn,xb,sig,w,ir,ione,zero) ir=-ir sig=1./(stmin*(dgb-dga)) call MC11A (h,n,mxn,d,sig,d,ir,izero,zero) if (ir.eq.n) then ! Start new line search dff=fa-fb fa=fb goto 2 else ! rank of new matrix is deficient write (*,*) ' minfor> rank of hessian < number of variables' return endif endif else if (step.gt.steplb) then ! insufficient reduction of F: ! new step by cubic interpolation stepub=step ! new upper bound c=gmin+dgb-3.*(fb-fmin)/step c=c+gmin-sqrt(c*c-gmin*dgb) !! may be sqrt ( <0 ) if (abs(c).lt.tiny) then ! prevent division by zero step=.1*step else step=step*max(.1d0,gmin/c) endif goto 3 ! -> reduced step along search direction endif 5 if (isfv.ge.2) goto 1 ! -> Restart from best point so far nfun=nfun+1 call MOVE(nfun,n,f,x,g) return end c *********************************************** subroutine mc11a(a,n,mxn,z,sig,w,ir,mk,eps) c c CALLS: none c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) dimension a(mxn*(mxn+1)/2),z(mxn),w(mxn) if (n.gt.1) then if (sig.eq.0..or.ir.eq.0) return np=n+1 if (sig.lt.0.) then ti=1./sig ij=1 if (mk.eq.0) then do i=1,n w(i)=z(i) enddo do i=1,n if (a(ij).gt.0.) then v=w(i) ti=ti+v**2/a(ij) if (i.lt.n) then do j=i+1,n ij=ij+1 w(j)=w(j)-v*a(ij) enddo endif ij=ij+1 else w(i)=0. ij=ij+np-i endif enddo else do i=1,n if (a(ij).ne.0.) ti=ti+w(i)**2/a(ij) ij=ij+np-i enddo endif if (ir.le.0) then ti=0. ir=-ir-1 else if (ti.gt.0.) then if (eps.ne.0.) then ti=eps/sig else ir=ir-1 ti=0. endif else if (mk.le.1) then goto 1 endif mm=1 tim=ti do i=1,n j=np-i ij=ij-i if (a(ij).ne.0.) tim=ti-w(j)**2/a(ij) w(j)=ti ti=tim enddo goto 2 endif 1 mm=0 tim=1./sig 2 ij=1 do i=1,n v=z(i) if (a(ij).gt.0.) then al=v/a(ij) if (mm.le.0) then ti=tim+v*al else ti=w(i) endif r=ti/tim a(ij)=a(ij)*r if (r.eq.0..or.i.eq.n) goto 3 b=al/ti if (r.gt.4.) then gm=tim/ti do j=i+1,n ij=ij+1 y=a(ij) a(ij)=b*z(j)+y*gm z(j)=z(j)-v*y enddo else do j=i+1,n ij=ij+1 z(j)=z(j)-v*a(ij) a(ij)=a(ij)+b*z(j) enddo endif tim=ti ij=ij+1 else if (ir.gt.0.or.sig.lt.0..or.v.eq.0.) then ti=tim ij=ij+np-i else ir=1-ir a(ij)=v**2/tim if (i.eq.n) return do j=i+1,n ij=ij+1 a(ij)=z(j)/v enddo return endif enddo 3 if (ir.lt.0) ir=-ir else a(1)=a(1)+sig*z(1)**2 ir=1 if (a(1).gt.0.) return a(1)=0. ir=0 endif return end c ************************************ subroutine mc11e(a,n,mxn,z,w,ir) c c CALLS: none c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) dimension a(mxn*(mxn+1)/2),z(mxn),w(mxn) if (ir.lt.n) return ! rank of matrix deficient w(1)=z(1) if (n.gt.1) then do i=2,n ij=i i1=i-1 v=z(i) do j=1,i1 v=v-a(ij)*z(j) ij=ij+n-j enddo z(i)=v w(i)=v enddo z(n)=z(n)/a(ij) np=n+1 do nip=2,n i=np-nip ii=ij-nip v=z(i)/a(ii) ip=i+1 ij=ii do j=ip,n ii=ii+1 v=v-a(ii)*z(j) enddo z(i)=v enddo else z(1)=z(1)/a(1) endif return end