source: minqsn.f

Last change on this file was 38d77eb, checked in by baerbaer <baerbaer@…>, 14 years ago

Redirected standard out to logString.

SMMP produced a lot of log messages. This became an issue when run in massively
parallel environments. I replaced all writes to standard out to a write to logString.
The next step is to pass this string to a function that writes the messages to a log
file according to their importance and the chosen log level.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 26dc1dd8-5c4e-0410-9ffe-d298b4865968

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 10.8 KB
[bd2278d]1! **************************************************************
3! This file contains the subroutines: minqsn,mc11a,mc11e
5! Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann,
6! Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku
7! Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann,
8! Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty
10! **************************************************************
12 subroutine minqsn(n,mxn,x,f,g,scal,acur,h,d,w,xa,ga,xb,gb,maxfun,
[bd2278d]13 & nfun)
15! .............................................................
16! PURPOSE: Quasi-Newton minimizer
18! Unconstrained local minimization of function FUNC
19! vs. N variables by quasi-Newton method using BFGS-
20! formula to update hessian matrix; approximate line
21! searches performed using cubic extra-/interpolation
22! [see Gill P.E., Murray W., Wright M.H., Practical
23! Optimization, Ch., ff.,,
26! INPUT: X,F,G - variables, value of FUNC, gradient at START
27! SCAL - factors to reduce(increase) initial step &
28! its lower bound for line searches, diagonal
29! elements of initial hessian matrix
30! MXN - maximal overall number of function calls
32! OUTPUT: X,F,G - variables, value of FUNC, gradient at MINIMUM
33! NFUN - overall number of function calls used
35! ARRAYS: H - approximate hessian matrix in symmetric storage
36! (dimension N(N+1)/2)
37! W,D,XA,XB,GA,GB - dimension N
39! CALLS: MOVE - external to calculate function for current X
40! and its gradients
41! MC11E- solve system H*D=-G for search direction D, where
42! H is given in Cholesky-factorization
43! MC11A- update H using BFGS formula, factorizise new H
44! according to Cholesky (modified to maintain its
45! positive definiteness)
49! EPS1 - checks reduction of FUNC during line search
50! ( 0.0001 <= EPS1 < 0.5 )
51! EPS2 - controls accuracy of line search (reduce to increase
52! accuracy; EPS1 < EPS2 <= 0.9 )
53! ACUR - fractional precision for determination of variables
54! (should not be smaller than sqrt of machine accuracy)
55! TINY - prevent division by zero during cubic extrapolation
56! .............................................................
[6650a56]58 implicit none
60 double precision eps1, eps2, tiny, zero, dff, c, g, scal, h, fa, f
61 double precision xa, x, ga, d, w, dga, di, fmin, gmin, stmin
62 double precision stepub, steplb, acur, step, xb, fb, gb, gl1, gl2
63 double precision si, dgb, sig
65 integer izero, ione, mxn, nfun, itr, i, n, n1, i1, j, isfv, maxfun
66 integer ir
[38d77eb]68 character(255) logString
[e40e335]70 parameter ( eps1=0.1d0,
[bd2278d]71 & eps2=0.7d0,
72 & tiny=1.d-32,
[bd2278d]74 & zero=0.d0,
75 & izero=0,
76 & ione=1 )
78 dimension x(mxn),g(mxn),scal(mxn),h(mxn*(mxn+1)/2),d(mxn),w(mxn),
[bd2278d]79 & xa(mxn),ga(mxn),xb(mxn),gb(mxn)
81 nfun=0
82 itr=0
83 dff=0.
[bd2278d]84! _______________ hessian to a diagonal matrix depending on scale
[e40e335]85 c=0.
86 do i=1,n
87 c=max(c,abs(g(i)*scal(i)))
88 enddo
89 if (c.le.0.) c=1.
91 n1=n+1
92 i1=(n*n1)/2
93 do i=1,i1
94 h(i)=0.
95 enddo
97 j=1
98 do i=1,n
99 h(j)=.01*c/scal(i)**2
100 j=j+n1-i
101 enddo
103 1 isfv=1 ! Re-start Search from Best Point so far
105 fa=f
106 do i=1,n
107 xa(i)=x(i)
108 ga(i)=g(i)
109 enddo
111 2 itr=itr+1 ! Start New Line-search from A
[bd2278d]113! ______________ search direction of the iteration
[e40e335]114 do i=1,n
115 d(i)=-ga(i)
116 enddo
117 call MC11E (h,n,mxn,d,w,n)
119 c=0.
120 dga=0.
121 do i=1,n
122 di=d(i)
123 c=max(c,abs(di/scal(i)))
124 dga=dga+ga(i)*di ! directional derivative
125 enddo
126 c=1./c
128 if ( goto 5 ! search is uphill
130 fmin=fa
131 gmin=dga
132 stmin=0.
134 stepub=0. ! initial upper and
135 steplb=acur*c ! lower bound on step
[bd2278d]137! ________________________ initial step of the line search
[e40e335]138 if ( then
139 step=min(1.d0,(dff+dff)/(-dga))
140 else
141 step=min(1.d0,c)
142 endif
144 3 if ( then
[38d77eb]145!c write (logString, *) ' minfor> exceeded max. number of function calls'
[e40e335]146 return
147 endif
149 c=stmin+step ! Step along Search direction A->B
150 do i=1,n
151 xb(i)=xa(i)+c*d(i)
152 enddo
154 nfun=nfun+1
155 call MOVE(nfun,n,fb,xb,gb)
157 isfv=min(2,isfv)
159 if (fb.le.f) then
160 if (fb.eq.f) then
161 gl1=0.
162 gl2=0.
163 do i=1,n
164 si=scal(i)**2
165 gl1=gl1+si*g(i)**2
166 gl2=gl2+si*gb(i)**2
167 enddo
168 if ( goto 4
169 endif
[bd2278d]170! ______________ store function value if it is smallest so far
[e40e335]171 f=fb
172 do i=1,n
173 x(i)=xb(i)
174 g(i)=gb(i)
175 enddo
177 isfv=3
178 endif
180 4 dgb=0.
181 do i=1,n
182 dgb=dgb+gb(i)*d(i) ! directional derivative at B
183 enddo
185 if (fb-fa.le.eps1*c*dga) then ! sufficient reduction of F
187 stmin=c
188 fmin=fb
189 gmin=dgb
191 stepub=stepub-step ! new upper bound on step
[bd2278d]193! _______________________________ next step by extrapolation
[e40e335]194 if ( then
195 step=.5*stepub
196 else
197 step=9.*stmin
198 endif
199 c=dga+3.*dgb-4.*(fb-fa)/stmin
200 if ( step=min(step,stmin*max(1.d0,-dgb/c))
202 if (*dga) goto 3 ! line minimization still not
203 ! accurate enough -> further step
204 isfv=4-isfv
206 if ( then ! line minim. complete ->
207 ! update Hessian
208 do i=1,n
209 xa(i)=xb(i)
210 xb(i)=ga(i)
211 d(i)=gb(i)-ga(i)
212 ga(i)=gb(i)
213 enddo
215 ir=-n
216 sig=1./dga
217 call MC11A (h,n,mxn,xb,sig,w,ir,ione,zero)
218 ir=-ir
219 sig=1./(stmin*(dgb-dga))
220 call MC11A (h,n,mxn,d,sig,d,ir,izero,zero)
222 if (ir.eq.n) then ! Start new line search
223 dff=fa-fb
224 fa=fb
225 goto 2
226 else ! rank of new matrix is deficient
[38d77eb]227 write (logString, *)
228 & ' minfor> rank of hessian < number of variables'
[e40e335]229 return
230 endif
232 endif
234 else if ( then ! insufficient reduction of F:
235 ! new step by cubic interpolation
236 stepub=step ! new upper bound
238 c=gmin+dgb-3.*(fb-fmin)/step
239 c=c+gmin-sqrt(c*c-gmin*dgb) !! may be sqrt ( <0 )
240 if (abs(c).lt.tiny) then ! prevent division by zero
241 step=.1*step
242 else
243 step=step*max(.1d0,gmin/c)
244 endif
245 goto 3 ! -> reduced step along search direction
247 endif
249 5 if ( goto 1 ! -> Restart from best point so far
251 nfun=nfun+1
252 call MOVE(nfun,n,f,x,g)
254 return
255 end
[bd2278d]256! ***********************************************
[e40e335]257 subroutine mc11a(a,n,mxn,z,sig,w,ir,mk,eps)
259! CALLS: none
[6650a56]261 implicit none
263 double precision sig, ti, w, z, a, v, eps, tim, al, r, b, gm, y
265 integer mxn, n, ir, np, ij, mk, i, j, mm
267 dimension a(mxn*(mxn+1)/2),z(mxn),w(mxn)
269 if ( then
270 if ( return
271 np=n+1
272 if ( then
273 ti=1./sig
274 ij=1
275 if (mk.eq.0) then
276 do i=1,n
277 w(i)=z(i)
278 enddo
279 do i=1,n
280 if (a(ij).gt.0.) then
281 v=w(i)
282 ti=ti+v**2/a(ij)
283 if ( then
284 do j=i+1,n
285 ij=ij+1
286 w(j)=w(j)-v*a(ij)
287 enddo
288 endif
289 ij=ij+1
290 else
291 w(i)=0.
292 ij=ij+np-i
293 endif
294 enddo
295 else
296 do i=1,n
297 if (a(ij).ne.0.) ti=ti+w(i)**2/a(ij)
298 ij=ij+np-i
299 enddo
300 endif
301 if (ir.le.0) then
302 ti=0.
303 ir=-ir-1
304 else if ( then
305 if ( then
306 ti=eps/sig
307 else
308 ir=ir-1
309 ti=0.
310 endif
311 else if (mk.le.1) then
312 goto 1
313 endif
314 mm=1
315 tim=ti
316 do i=1,n
317 j=np-i
318 ij=ij-i
319 if (a(ij).ne.0.) tim=ti-w(j)**2/a(ij)
320 w(j)=ti
321 ti=tim
322 enddo
323 goto 2
324 endif
325 1 mm=0
326 tim=1./sig
327 2 ij=1
328 do i=1,n
329 v=z(i)
330 if (a(ij).gt.0.) then
331 al=v/a(ij)
332 if (mm.le.0) then
333 ti=tim+v*al
334 else
335 ti=w(i)
336 endif
337 r=ti/tim
338 a(ij)=a(ij)*r
339 if (r.eq.0..or.i.eq.n) goto 3
340 b=al/ti
341 if ( then
342 gm=tim/ti
343 do j=i+1,n
344 ij=ij+1
345 y=a(ij)
346 a(ij)=b*z(j)+y*gm
347 z(j)=z(j)-v*y
348 enddo
349 else
350 do j=i+1,n
351 ij=ij+1
352 z(j)=z(j)-v*a(ij)
353 a(ij)=a(ij)+b*z(j)
354 enddo
355 endif
356 tim=ti
357 ij=ij+1
358 else if ( then
359 ti=tim
360 ij=ij+np-i
361 else
362 ir=1-ir
363 a(ij)=v**2/tim
364 if (i.eq.n) return
365 do j=i+1,n
366 ij=ij+1
367 a(ij)=z(j)/v
368 enddo
369 return
370 endif
371 enddo
372 3 if ( ir=-ir
373 else
374 a(1)=a(1)+sig*z(1)**2
375 ir=1
376 if (a(1).gt.0.) return
377 a(1)=0.
378 ir=0
379 endif
381 return
382 end
[bd2278d]383! ************************************
[e40e335]384 subroutine mc11e(a,n,mxn,z,w,ir)
386! CALLS: none
[6650a56]388 implicit none
389 double precision w, z, v, a
391 integer mxn, ir, n, i, ij, i1, j, np, nip, ii, ip
393 dimension a(mxn*(mxn+1)/2),z(mxn),w(mxn)
395 if ( return ! rank of matrix deficient
397 w(1)=z(1)
398 if ( then
399 do i=2,n
400 ij=i
401 i1=i-1
402 v=z(i)
403 do j=1,i1
404 v=v-a(ij)*z(j)
405 ij=ij+n-j
406 enddo
407 z(i)=v
408 w(i)=v
409 enddo
410 z(n)=z(n)/a(ij)
411 np=n+1
412 do nip=2,n
413 i=np-nip
414 ii=ij-nip
415 v=z(i)/a(ii)
416 ip=i+1
417 ij=ii
418 do j=ip,n
419 ii=ii+1
420 v=v-a(ii)*z(j)
421 enddo
422 z(i)=v
423 enddo
424 else
425 z(1)=z(1)/a(1)
426 endif
428 return
429 end
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