! ************************************************************** ! ! This file contains the subroutines: init_molecule ! ! Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku ! Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty ! ! ************************************************************** ! FIXME: Data in varfile determines which molecule is changed. subroutine init_molecule(iabin,grpn,grpc,seqfile,varfile) ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! PURPOSE: construct starting structure of molecule(s) ! ! iabin = 1 : ab Initio using sequence & ! variables given in input files ! iabin != 1 : sequence, variable information ! from PDB-file ! ! grpn: N-terminal group ! grpc: C-terminal group ! ! CALLS: addend,bldmol,c_alfa,getmol,iendst, mklist, nursvr, ! pdbread,pdbvars,redseq,redvar,setmvs ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------- include 'INCL.H' include 'INCP.H' Cf2py character*80 optional, intent(in) :: seqfile = ' ' Cf2py character*80 optional, intent(in) :: varfile = ' ' character grpn*4,grpc*4 character navr*3, nars*4 character seqfile*80, varfile*80 integer ontlml logical readFromStdin ontlml = 1 readFromStdin = .false. write (*,*) 'init_molecule: Solvent: ', itysol if (iabin.eq.1) then ! ----------------------------------------- get sequence for molecule(s) lunseq=11 if (ntlml.gt.0) then ontlml = ntlml + 1 endif if (iendst(seqfile).le.1.or.seqfile.eq.' ') then 1 write (*,'(/,a,$)') ' file with SEQUENCE:' seqfil=' ' read (*,'(a)',err=1) seqfil readFromStdin = .true. else seqfil = seqfile endif call redseq write (*,*) 'File with sequence is ', seqfil(1:iendst(seqfil)) ! --------------------------------- read & assemble data from libraries ! initial coordinates, interaction lists ntl = ntlml do i=ontlml, ntl call getmol(i) ! assemble data from libraries do j=1,6 ! initialize global parameters gbpr(j,i)=0.d0 enddo call bldmol(i) ! co-ordinates ntlml = i call addend(i,grpn,grpc) ! modify ends call setmvs(i) ! determine sets of moving atoms for given variables call mklist(i) ! compile lists of interaction partners enddo ! --------------------------- Read the initial conformation if necessary if(readFromStdin) then write (*,'(a,$)') ' file with VARIABLES:' ! varfil=' ' read(*,'(a)',end=2,err=2) varfil else varfil = varfile endif l=iendst(varfil) if (l.gt.0.and.varfil.ne.' ') then write (*,'(1x,a,/)') varfil(1:l) lunvar=13 call redvar ! get vars. and rebuild endif 2 write(*,*) ' ' ireg = 0 else ! =========================== from PDB if (iendst(seqfile).le.1) then 3 write (*,'(/,a,$)') ' PDB-file:' seqfil=' ' read (*,'(a)',err=3) seqfil else seqfil = seqfile endif write (*,*) 'PDB structure ',seqfil(1:iendst(seqfil)) print *, 'calling readpdb with ',seqfile call pdbread(seqfil,ier) if (ier.ne.0) stop call pdbvars() ireg = 1 endif ! If Lund force field is in use, keep omega angles fixed if (ientyp.eq.2) then do iv=1,nvrml(ntlml) if ((nmvr(iv)(1:2).eq.'om')) then vlvr(iv)=pi toat(iatvr(iv))=pi fxvr(iv)=.true. print *, 'Fixed variable ',iv,nmvr(iv),vlvr(iv) endif enddo endif ! -------------------- get: nvr,idvr, vlvr, olvlvr nvr = 0 do i=1,ivrml1(ntlml)+nvrml(ntlml)-1 if (.not.fxvr(i)) then nvr=nvr+1 idvr(nvr)=i ! index of not fixed var. endif it=ityvr(i) if (it.eq.3) then ! torsion vlvr(i)=toat(iatvr(i)) elseif (it.eq.2) then ! b.angle vlvr(i)=baat(iatvr(i)) elseif (it.eq.1) then ! b.length vlvr(i)=blat(iatvr(i)) endif olvlvr(i) = vlvr(i) enddo ! -------------------------- set var. amplitudes for simulations do i=1,ivrml1(ntlml)+nvrml(ntlml)-1 if (ityvr(i).eq.3.and..not.fxvr(i)) then ! torsion navr = nmvr(i) ir = nursvr(i) nars = seq(ir) if ( navr(1:2).eq.'om' & .or.nars(1:3).eq.'arg'.and.(navr(1:2).eq.'x5' & .or.navr(1:2).eq.'x6') & .or.(nars(1:3).eq.'asn'.or.nars(1:3).eq.'asp') & .and.navr(1:2).eq.'x3' & .or.(nars(1:3).eq.'gln'.or.nars(1:3).eq.'glu') & .and.navr(1:2).eq.'x4' & ) then ! axvr(i) = pi/9.d0 ! 20 deg. axvr(i) = pi2 ! Trying out 360 deg. for these as well else axvr(i) = pi2 ! 360 deg. endif else axvr(i) = 0.d0 endif enddo ! vars. ! --------------------- initialize solvation pars. if necessary if (itysol.ne.0) then i1=iatrs1(irsml1(1)) ! 1st atom of 1st molecule i2=iatrs2(irsml2(ntlml)) ! last atom of last molecule its = iabs(itysol) do i=i1,i2 ! all atoms it=ityat(i) sigma(i)=coef_sl(its,it) rvdw(i) =rad_vdw(its,it) if (nmat(i)(1:1).ne.'h') rvdw(i)=rvdw(i)+rwater enddo endif ! Initialize calpha array do i=ontlml, ntlml call c_alfa(i,1) enddo ! Initialize arrays used in the BGS update call init_lund() return end