! ************************** ! ************************************************************** ! ! This file contains the subroutines: getmol,redres ! ! Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku ! Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty ! ! ************************************************************** subroutine getmol(nml) ! ................................................................... ! PURPOSE: assemble data for molecule 'nml' according to ! its sequence using residue library 'reslib' ! ! ! Molecules must be assembled in sequential order (1 -> ntlml) ! (or number of atoms & variables must remain the same) ! ! INPUT: irsml1(nml),irsml2(nml),seq(irsml1()...irsml2()) ! nml>1: irsml1(nml-1),iatrs2(irsml2(nml-1)) ! ivrrs1(irsml2(nml-1)),nvrrs(irsml2(nml-1)) ! ! OUTPUT: molecule - ivrml1,nvrml ! residues - iatrs1,ixatrs,iatrs2,ivrrs1,nvrrs ! atoms - nmat,ityat,cgat,blat,baat,csbaat,snbaat, ! toat,cstoat,sntoat ! bonds - nbdat,iowat,iyowat,ibdat(1-mxbd,),iybdat(1-mxbd,) ! ! 1st atom of 'nml': iowat indicates 1st bond ! to a FOLLOWING atom (not previous) ! ! variables - ityvr,iclvr,iatvr,nmvr ! ! CALLS: iopfil,redres,iendst ! ................................................................... include 'INCL.H' ! arguments integer nml ! functions integer iopfil, iendst integer i, iat, iow, ifirs, ibd, ilars, j, mvr, nbd, n, nbd1, nj integer nh, nrs, ntlat, ntlvr, nat, nxt double precision ba, t, to character res*4 if (iopfil(lunlib,reslib,'old','formatted').le.izero) then write (*,'(a,/,a,i3,2a)') & ' getmol> ERROR opening library of residues:', & ' LUN=',lunlib,' FILE=',reslib(1:iendst(reslib)) stop endif if (nml.eq.1) then ntlat=0 ntlvr=0 else i=irsml2(nml-1) ! last res. of previous mol. ntlat=iatrs2(i) ntlvr=ivrrs1(i)+nvrrs(i)-1 endif ivrml1(nml)=ntlvr + 1 ilars=irsml2(nml) ifirs=irsml1(nml) do nrs=ifirs,ilars ! Residues in molecule res = seq(nrs) call tolost(res) ! ensure lower case for residue name if (res(:3).eq.'nme'.and.nrs.ne.ilars) then write (*,'(3a)') ' getmol> residue >',res, & '< allowed at C-terminus only !' close(lunlib) stop elseif (res(:3).eq.'ace'.and.nrs.ne.ifirs) then write (*,'(3a)') ' getmol> residue >',res, & '< allowed at N-terminus only !' close(lunlib) stop endif call redres(res,nat,nxt,nvr) if ((nat+ntlat).gt.mxat) then write (*,'(a,i5)') ' getmol> number of atoms > ',mxat close(lunlib) stop endif if ((nvr+ntlvr).gt.mxvr) then write (*,'(a,i5)') ' getmol> number of variables > ',mxvr close(lunlib) stop endif rewind lunlib ! ___________________________________________________________ Atoms do i=1,nat n=i+ntlat nmat(n)=nmath(i) ityat(n)=ityath(i) cgat(n)=cgath(i) blat(n)=blath(i) ba=baath(i) baat(n)=ba csbaat(n)=cos(ba) snbaat(n)=sin(ba) to=toath(i) toat(n)=to cstoat(n)=cos(to) sntoat(n)=sin(to) ! ______________________________ bonds to previous & following atoms iow=iowath(i) if (iow.eq.0) then ! 1st atom of residue if (nrs.eq.ifirs) then ! 1st atom of 'nml' iowat(n)=ibdath(1,i)+ntlat iyowat(n)=iybdath(1,i) do j = 1,mxbd-1 ibdath(j,i)=ibdath(j+1,i) iybdath(j,i)=iybdath(j+1,i) enddo ibdath(mxbd,i)=0 iybdath(mxbd,i)=1 nbdath(i)=nbdath(i)-1 else ! connected with prev. res. nh=ixatrs(nrs-1) ! atom to 'next' residue of prev.res. iowat(n)=nh iyowat(n)=1 !!! only single bonds assumed !!! ! ___________________________ correct atom to 'next' res. nbd=nbdat(nh) if (nbd.eq.mxbd) then write(*,'(a,i2,a,i4,2a,i4,a)') & ' getmol> need ',(mxbd+2), & 'th bond to connect residues ', & nrs-1,seq(nrs-1),' and ',nrs,seq(nrs) close(lunlib) stop else ! correct atom to 'next' res. ! _______________________________!! dihedrals for atoms bound to 'nh' ! are assumed to be phase angles !! do j=1,nbd nj=ibdat(j,nh) t=toat(nj) if (t.eq.0.0) then write (*,'(3a,/,2a)') & ' getmol> DIHEDRAL for atom ',nmat(nj), & ' should be PHASE angle with respect to atom ', & nmat(n),' & therefore must be not 0.0 !!' close(lunlib) stop endif t=t+to if (abs(t).gt.pi) t=t-sign(pi2,t) toat(nj)=t cstoat(nj)=cos(t) sntoat(nj)=sin(t) enddo nbd1=nbd+1 ibdat(nbd1,nh)=n iybdat(nbd1,nh)=1 ! (only single bonds !) nbdat(nh)=nbd1 endif endif else ! connected within res. iowat(n)=ntlat+iow iyowat(n)=iyowath(i) endif nbdat(n)=nbdath(i) do j=1,mxbd ibd=ibdath(j,i) if (ibd.ne.0) then ibdat(j,n)=ibd+ntlat iybdat(j,n)=iybdath(j,i) else ibdat(j,n)=0 iybdat(j,n)=1 endif enddo enddo ! ... atoms ! ________________________________________________________ Variables ivrrs1(nrs)=ntlvr+1 mvr=0 do i=1,nvr if (nrs.eq.ifirs) then iat=iatvrh(i) ! ____________________________________ Exclude all variables for 1st atom ! & torsion for atoms bound to it if ( iat.eq.1.or. & (iowath(iat).eq.1.and.ityvrh(i).eq.3)) goto 1 endif mvr=mvr+1 ntlvr=ntlvr+1 ityvr(ntlvr)=ityvrh(i) iclvr(ntlvr)=iclvrh(i) iatvr(ntlvr)=iatvrh(i)+ntlat nmvr(ntlvr)=nmvrh(i) 1 enddo ! ... Variables nvrrs(nrs)=mvr iatrs1(nrs)=ntlat+1 ! first backbone atom of res. ixatrs(nrs)=ntlat+nxt ! last backbone atom ntlat=ntlat+nat iatrs2(nrs)=ntlat ! last atom of res. enddo ! ... residues close(lunlib) ! _______________________________ Variables if (nml.eq.1) then nvrml(nml)=ntlvr else nvrml(nml)=ntlvr-ivrml1(nml) + 1 endif return end ! ************************************** subroutine redres(res,nat,nxt,nvrr) ! ....................................................... ! PURPOSE: read atom data for residue 'res' from library ! (file 'lunlib' 'reslib' opened in routine calling ! this one) ! ! OUTPUT: nat - number of atoms in residue ! nxt - atom which may bind to following residue ! nvrr - number of variables in residue ! for atoms - nmath,blath,baath(rad),toath(rad), ! ityath,iyowath,iowath (INSIDE residue, ! =0 if 1st atom) ! for variables - ityvrh (1=bl/2=ba/3=to),iclvrh,iatvrh,nmvrh ! ! LIBRARY: residue-lines: ! '#', res, nat, nxt; Format: a1,a4,2i4 ! atom-lines: ! nmat,3{"fix" =' ', clvr,nmvr, blat/baat(deg)/toat(deg)}, ! cgat, ityat, iowat,ibdat1,ibdat2,ibdat3; ! Format: a4, 3(1x,i2,a1,a3,f9.3), f7.4, i4,4i4 ! ! CALLS: iendst,tolost ! ! ....................................................... include 'INCL.H' ! arguments integer nat, nxt, nvrr ! functions integer iendst integer icl, ibd, ib3, i, ib1, ib2, ic, iow, iexcp, ity, jow, lg integer nln, j dimension icl(3),ibd(mxbd) character blnk,fix(3),nm(3)*3,res*4,resl*4,line*132 data blnk/' '/ double precision ba, to nln=0 do i=1,mxbd ibd(i)=0 enddo resl=res call tolost(resl) ! ensure lower case for residue name ! ________________________________ find residue 'resl' 1 line=blnk nln=nln+1 read (lunlib,'(a)',end=2,err=3) line lg=iendst(line) if (lg.ge.13.and.line(1:1).eq.'#'.and.line(2:5).eq.resl) then ! _____________________________________________ read atom data for 'resl' read (line(6:13),'(2i4)',err=3) nat,nxt if (nat.gt.mxath) then write (*,'(a,i5)') ' redres> number of atoms > ',mxath close(lunlib) stop endif nvrr=0 do i=1,nat nln=nln+1 read (lunlib,'(a4,3(1x,i2,a1,a3,d9.3),d7.4,i4,4i4)', & end=3,err=3) & nmath(i),icl(1),fix(1),nm(1),blath(i),icl(2),fix(2),nm(2),ba, & icl(3),fix(3),nm(3),to,cgath(i),ity,iow,(ibd(j),j=1,mxbd) if (ity.le.0.or.ity.gt.mxtyat) goto 6 ityath(i)=ity jow=abs(iow) if (res(:3).eq.'ace'.and.i.eq.1) then ! exception from following check iexcp = 1 else iexcp = 0 endif if (iexcp.eq.0.and.i.le.jow) then if (i.eq.jow) then write (*,'(5a)') ' redres> atom ',nmath(i),' of ', & resl,' cannot preceed itself ' else write (*,'(5a,i4)') ' redres> atom ',nmath(i),' of ', & resl,' should be placed AFTER atom #',jow endif goto 5 endif iowath(i)=jow iyowath(i)=sign(1,iow) ! ____________________________________ check order & find number of bonds ! (bonds closing ring must be last !) ib1=abs(ibd(1)) ib2=abs(ibd(2)) ib3=abs(ibd(3)) if (ib1.eq.i.or.ib2.eq.i.or.ib3.eq.i) goto 4 if (ib1.eq.0) then ! no bond to following if (ib2.ne.0.or.ib3.ne.0) goto 4 nbdath(i)=0 else if (ib1.eq.jow) goto 4 if (ib2.eq.0) then if (ib3.ne.0) goto 4 nbdath(i)=1 else if ( ib2.eq.jow.or.ib2.eq.ib1.or. & (ib2.gt.i.and.ib2.lt.ib1) ) goto 4 if (ib3.eq.0) then nbdath(i)=2 else if (ib3.eq.jow.or.ib3.eq.ib1.or.ib3.eq.ib2.or. & (ib3.gt.i.and.(ib3.lt.ib1.or.ib3.lt.ib2)) ) goto 4 nbdath(i)=3 endif endif endif do j=1,mxbd ibdath(j,i)=abs(ibd(j)) iybdath(j,i)=sign(1,ibd(j)) enddo baath(i)=ba*cdr ! convert angles into 'radians' toath(i)=to*cdr ! ______________________________ internal degrees of freedom do j=1,3 if (fix(j).ne.blnk) then nvrr=nvrr+1 if (nvrr.gt.mxvrh) then write (*,'(a,i5)') ' redres> number of variables > ', & mxvrh close(lunlib) stop endif ic=icl(j) if ( ic.le.0 & .or.(j.eq.3.and.ic.gt.mxtyto) ! dihedral & .or.(j.eq.2.and.ic.gt.mxtyba) ! bond angle & .or.(j.eq.1.and.ic.gt.mxtybl) ) goto 7 ! b. length ityvrh(nvrr)=j iclvrh(nvrr)=ic iatvrh(nvrr)=i nmvrh(nvrr)=nm(j) endif enddo enddo ! ... atoms return endif goto 1 ! ____________________________________________________________ ERRORS 2 write (*,'(4a)') ' redres> residue >',resl,'< NOT FOUND in ', &reslib(1:iendst(reslib)) close(lunlib) stop 3 write (*,'(a,i4,2a)') ' redres> ERROR reading line No. ',nln, &' in ',reslib(1:iendst(reslib)) close(lunlib) stop 4 write (*,'(4a)') ' redres> Incorrect order of bonds for atom ', & nmath(i),' of ',resl 5 write (*,'(8x,2a)') '... must correct ', & reslib(1:iendst(reslib)) close(lunlib) stop 6 write (*,'(a,i2,4a)') ' redres> unknown type :',ity, & ': for atom ',nmath(i),' in residue ',resl close(lunlib) stop 7 write (*,'(a,i2,4a)') ' redres> unknown class :',ic, & ': for variable ',nm(j),' in residue ',resl close(lunlib) stop end