c ********************************************************************* c This file contains eyrccr, init_abgn, eyentr, eyabgn c c Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, c Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty c c Corrections to ECEPP energy terms due to R. A. Abagyan et al. c c Two terms are calculated: eyrccr and eyentr, representing respectively c c a term to slightly shift the backbone dihedral angle preferences in c the ECEPP potential slightly away from the helix region, and another c term to estimate the side-chain entropy from a given configuration. c c c ********************************************************************* real*8 function eyrccr(nml) include 'INCL.H' dimension iN(mxrs),iCa(mxrs),iC(mxrs),mlvr(mxvr) dimension iphi(mxrs),ipsi(mxrs) common /lundds/iN,iCa,iC,mlvr,iphi,ipsi character mynm*4 if (nml.eq.0) then istres=irsml1(1) indres=irsml2(ntlml) else istres=irsml1(nml) indres=irsml2(nml) endif et=0.0 c print *,'***********' do i=istres,indres mynm=seq(i) call tolost(mynm) if ((mynm.eq.'val').or.(mynm.eq.'ile').or. # (mynm.eq.'thr')) then rsscl=1.0 else rsscl=0.5 endif et=et+rsscl*(1.0-sin(vlvr(ipsi(i)))) c print *,' contribution = ',rsscl*(1.0-sin(vlvr(ipsi(i)))) c print *,'obtained using scale ',rsscl,' and angle ', c # vlvr(ipsi(i)) enddo c print *,'abagyan dihedral term = ',et c print *,'***********' eyrccr=et return end subroutine init_abgn include 'INCL.H' ! dimension rsstrg(mxrs) ! common /abgncor/rsstrg dimension xarea(nrsty),estrg(nrsty) character mynm*4 c print *,'Initialization of Abagyan entropic term' c Maximum accessible surface areas for different residue types data (xarea(i),i=1,nrsty)/ c 1 2 3 4 5 # 117.417 , 244.686 , 245.582 , 146.467 , 144.485 , c 6 7 8 9 10 # 144.192 , 142.805 , 147.568 , 183.103 , 177.094 , c 11 12 13 14 15 # 186.293 , 83.782 , 187.864 , 187.864 , 187.864 , c 16 17 18 19 20 # 187.864 , 160.887 , 161.741 , 184.644 , 179.334 , c 21 22 23 24 25 # 209.276 , 209.276 , 203.148 , 208.902 , 153.124 , c 26 27 28 29 30 # 153.973 , 153.037 , 158.695 , 157.504 , 157.504 , c 31 32 33 34 35 # 119.786 , 146.488 , 238.641 , 223.299 , 160.283 / c Entropic contribution for maximally exposed residue data (estrg(i),i=1,nrsty)/ c 1ala 2arg 3arg+ 4asn 5asp # 0.0 , 2.13 , 2.13 , 0.81 , 0.61 , c 6asp- 7cys 8cyss 9gln 10glu # 0.61 , 1.14 , 1.14 , 2.02 , 1.65 , c 11glu- 12gly 13his 14hise 15hisd # 1.65 , 0.0 , 0.99 , 0.99 , 0.99 , c 16his+ 17hyp 18hypu 19ile 20leu # 0.99 , 0.99 , 0.99 , 0.75 , 0.75 , c 21lys 22lys+ 23met 24phe 25cpro # 2.21 , 2.21 , 1.53 , 0.58 , 0.0 , c 26pro 27cpru 28prou 29pron 30pro+ # 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , c 31ser 32thr 33trp 34tyr 35val # 1.19 , 1.12 , 0.97 , 0.99 , 0.50 / do i=1,mxrs rsstrg(i)=0.0 enddo istres=irsml1(1) indres=irsml2(ntlml) do i=istres,indres imytyp=0 mynm=seq(i) call tolost(mynm) do j=1,nrsty if (rsnmcd(j).eq.mynm) imytyp=j c print *,'comparing ',mynm,' with ',rsnmcd(j),imytyp enddo if (imytyp.eq.0) then print *, 'Unknown residue type ',seq(i) print *, 'Abagyan term strength set to 0' rsstrg(i)=0.0 else rsstrg(i)=estrg(imytyp)/xarea(imytyp) endif c print *,'residue ',i,seq(i),' type ',imytyp c print *, 'strength for residue ',i,seq(i),' is ',rsstrg(i) enddo print *, 'initialized Abagyan corrections to ECEPP force field' end real*8 function eyentr(nml) include 'INCL.H' ! dimension rsstrg(mxrs) ! common /abgncor/rsstrg ! common/ressurf/surfres(mxrs) ! common/bet/beta eentr=0 if (nml.eq.0) then istres=irsml1(1) indres=irsml2(ntlml) else istres=irsml1(nml) indres=irsml2(nml) endif c print *,'residue range ',istres,indres c print *,'for molecule ',nml do i=istres, indres aars=surfres(i) strh=rsstrg(i) c The maximal burial entropies were estimated at temperature 300k c The values in the array estrg are k_B * T (=300k) * Entropy c Presently we need it at temperature 1/beta, so we need to c multiply the strengths in estrg with (1/beta)/(300 kelvin) c 300 kelvin is approximately 0.59576607 kcal/mol. eentr=eentr+aars*strh/(0.59576607*beta) c print *,'contribution = ',aars*strh/(0.59576607*beta) c print *,'residue, exposed area = ',i,aars c print *,'strength = ',strh,' for residue index = ',i c print *,'beta = ',beta enddo c print *,'abagyan entropic term = ',eentr eyentr=eentr return end real*8 function eyabgn(nml) include 'INCL.H' eyabgn=eyrccr(nml)+eyentr(nml) c print *,'Abagyan term = ',eyabgn return end