! **************************************************************** ! Trial version implementing the semi-local conformational update ! BGS (Biased Gaussian Steps). This file presently contains the ! functions initlund, bgsposs and bgs. ! ! Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty ! **************************************************************** ! Subroutine initlund: Initializes data structures used frequently ! in connection with Biased Gaussian Steps and the energy functions ! from Anders Irback's protein folding model. Calls: none. ! subroutine init_lund include 'INCL.H' include 'incl_lund.h' logical bgsposs do i=1,mxrs iN(i)=-1 iCa(i)=-1 iC(i)=-1 iphi(i)=-34 ipsi(i)=-35 enddo ! print *,'total number of variables = ',nvr do i=1,ntlml npprs=1 do j=ivrml1(i),ivrml1(i)+nvrml(i)-1 mlvr(j)=i if (nmvr(j).eq.'phi') then iphi(npprs)=j ! Now if the residue is a proline, there is no phi angle in the variable ! list in SMMP, and so iphi(j) will remain at the initial value. ! So, make sure you never use iphi(i) for proline. endif if (nmvr(j).eq.'psi'.or.nmvr(j).eq.'pst') then ipsi(npprs)=j npprs=npprs+1 endif enddo do j=irsml1(i),irsml2(i) iN(j)=iatrs1(j) do k=iatrs1(j),iatrs2(j) if (nmat(k)(1:2).eq.'ca') then iCa(j)=k endif if (nmat(k)(1:1).eq.'c') then iC(j)=k endif enddo ! print *,'determined phi,psi serial for residue',j,' as ' ! # ,iphi(j),ipsi(j) enddo enddo abgs=300.0 bbgs=10.0 bgsnvar=0 do i=1,nvr if (bgsposs(i)) then bgsnvar=bgsnvar+1 bgsvar(bgsnvar)=i endif enddo end ! Checks if it is possible to perform a BGS update starting at the ! variable indexed ipos. Calls: none. logical function bgsposs(ips) include 'INCL.H' include 'incl_lund.h' logical ians jv=idvr(ips) iaa=nursvr(jv) ians=.true. ! print *,'evaluating bgs possibility for ',ips,nmvr(jv) if (nmvr(jv).ne.'phi') then ! print *,'bgs not possible because variable name is ',nmvr(jv) ians=.false. else if (iaa.gt.(irsml2(mlvr(jv))-3)) then ! print *,'bgs impossible, residue too close to end' ! print *,'iaa = ',iaa,' end = ',irsml2(mlvr(jv)) ians=.false. else nnonfx=0 do i=iaa,iaa+3 if (iphi(i).gt.0) then if (.not.fxvr(iphi(i))) then nnonfx=nnonfx+1 endif endif if (.not.fxvr(ipsi(i))) then nnonfx=nnonfx+1 endif enddo if (nnonfx.lt.6) then ! print *,iaa,'bgs impossible because ndof = ',nnonfx ians=.false. endif endif if (ians) then ! print *,'bgs is possible for angle ',ips,jv,nmvr(jv) endif bgsposs=ians return end ! Biased Gaussian Steps. Implements a semi-local conformational update ! which modifies the protein backbone locally in a certain range of ! amino acids. The 'down-stream' parts of the molecule outside the ! region of update get small rigid body translations and rotations. ! ! Use the update sparingly. It is rather local, and is not of great ! value if we need big changes in the conformation. It is recommended ! that this update be used to refine a structure around a low energy ! candidate structure. Even at low energies, if you always ! perform BGS, the chances of coming out of that minimum are small. ! So, there is a probability bgsprob, which decides whether BGS or the ! normal single angle update is used. ! ! Calls: energy, dummy (function provided as argument), addang, (rand) ! integer function bgs(eol1,dummy) include 'INCL.H' include 'incl_lund.h' external dummy dimension xiv(8,3),bv(8,3),rv(3,3),dv(3,8,3) dimension ab(8), A(8,8),p(8),ppsi(8) double precision ovr(mxvr) ! Initialize ! print *,'using BGS on angle ',nmvr(idvr(ivar)) if (bgsnvar.eq.0) then bgs=0 goto 171 endif ivar=1+grnd()*bgsnvar do i=1,8 iph(i)=-50000 dph(i)=0 enddo nph=0 jv=idvr(ivar) ia=nursvr(jv) ! Get BGS matrices based on coordinates of atoms in 4 amino acids do i=1,4 icurraa=ia+i-1 if (iphi(icurraa).gt.0.and..not.fxvr(iphi(icurraa))) then nph=nph+1 xiv(nph,1)=xat(iCa(icurraa)) xiv(nph,2)=yat(iCa(icurraa)) xiv(nph,3)=zat(iCa(icurraa)) bv(nph,1)=xiv(nph,1)-xat(iN(icurraa)) bv(nph,2)=xiv(nph,2)-yat(iN(icurraa)) bv(nph,3)=xiv(nph,3)-zat(iN(icurraa)) ab(nph)=bv(nph,1)*bv(nph,1)+bv(nph,2)*bv(nph,2) & +bv(nph,3)*bv(nph,3) iph(nph)=iphi(icurraa) endif if (.not.fxvr(ipsi(icurraa))) then nph=nph+1 xiv(nph,1)=xat(iC(icurraa)) xiv(nph,2)=yat(iC(icurraa)) xiv(nph,3)=zat(iC(icurraa)) bv(nph,1)=xiv(nph,1)-xat(iCa(icurraa)) bv(nph,2)=xiv(nph,2)-yat(iCa(icurraa)) bv(nph,3)=xiv(nph,3)-zat(iCa(icurraa)) ab(nph)=bv(nph,1)*bv(nph,1)+bv(nph,2)*bv(nph,2) & +bv(nph,3)*bv(nph,3) iph(nph)=ipsi(icurraa) endif enddo rv(1,1)=xat(iCa(ia+3)) rv(1,2)=yat(iCa(ia+3)) rv(1,3)=zat(iCa(ia+3)) rv(2,1)=xat(iC(ia+3)) rv(2,2)=yat(iC(ia+3)) rv(2,3)=zat(iC(ia+3)) rv(3,1)=xat(iC(ia+3)+1) rv(3,2)=yat(iC(ia+3)+1) rv(3,3)=zat(iC(ia+3)+1) do i=1,3 do j=1,nph dv(i,j,1)=(1.0/ab(j))*(bv(j,2)*(rv(i,3)-xiv(j,3))- & bv(j,3)*(rv(i,2)-xiv(j,2))) dv(i,j,2)=(-1.0/ab(j))*(bv(j,1)*(rv(i,3)-xiv(j,3))- & bv(j,3)*(rv(i,1)-xiv(j,1))) dv(i,j,3)=(1.0/ab(j))*(bv(j,1)*(rv(i,2)-xiv(j,2))- & bv(j,2)*(rv(i,1)-xiv(j,1))) enddo enddo do i=1,nph do j=i,nph A(i,j)=0 do k=1,3 do l=1,3 A(i,j)=A(i,j)+dv(k,i,l)*(dv(k,j,l)) enddo enddo A(i,j)=bbgs*A(i,j) if (i.eq.j) then A(i,j)=A(i,j)+1 endif A(i,j)=0.5*abgs*A(i,j) enddo enddo do i=1,nph do j=i,nph sum=A(i,j) do k=i-1,1,-1 sum=sum-A(i,k)*A(j,k) enddo if (i.eq.j) then p(i)=sqrt(sum) else A(j,i)=sum/p(i) endif enddo enddo ! Generate 8 Gaussian distributed small random angles do i=1,8,2 r1=grnd() ! In the rare event that this random number is 0, just take the next if (r1.le.0) r1=grnd() r1=sqrt(-log(r1)) r2=grnd() ppsi(i)=r1*cos(pi2*r2) ppsi(i+1)=r1*sin(pi2*r2) enddo do i=1,nph dph(i)=0 enddo ! Solve lower triangular matrix to get dphi proposals do i=nph,1,-1 sum=ppsi(i) do k=i+1,nph sum=sum-A(k,i)*dph(k) enddo dph(i)=sum/p(i) enddo ! Calculate intrinsic (non-Boltzmann) weight for forward process ! print *,'calculating intrinsic weight for forward process' sum=0 do i=1,nph sum=sum+ppsi(i)*ppsi(i) enddo wfw=exp(-sum) do i=1,nph wfw=wfw*p(i) enddo ! Reconstruct chain and calculate new energy ! print *,'going to assign changes to the chain' ovr = vlvr do i=1,nph vlvr(iph(i))=addang(vlvr(iph(i)),dph(i)) enddo enw = energy() ! Calculate weight for reverse process for detail balance ! print *,'proceeding to calculate weight for the reverse process' nph=0 do i=1,4 icurraa=ia+i-1 if (iphi(icurraa).gt.0.and..not.fxvr(iphi(icurraa))) then nph=nph+1 xiv(nph,1)=xat(iCa(icurraa)) xiv(nph,2)=yat(iCa(icurraa)) xiv(nph,3)=zat(iCa(icurraa)) bv(nph,1)=xiv(nph,1)-xat(iN(icurraa)) bv(nph,2)=xiv(nph,2)-yat(iN(icurraa)) bv(nph,3)=xiv(nph,3)-zat(iN(icurraa)) ab(nph)=bv(nph,1)*bv(nph,1)+bv(nph,2)*bv(nph,2) & +bv(nph,3)*bv(nph,3) iph(nph)=iphi(icurraa) endif if (.not.fxvr(ipsi(icurraa))) then nph=nph+1 xiv(nph,1)=xat(iC(icurraa)) xiv(nph,2)=yat(iC(icurraa)) xiv(nph,3)=zat(iC(icurraa)) bv(nph,1)=xiv(nph,1)-xat(iCa(icurraa)) bv(nph,2)=xiv(nph,2)-yat(iCa(icurraa)) bv(nph,3)=xiv(nph,3)-zat(iCa(icurraa)) ab(nph)=bv(nph,1)*bv(nph,1)+bv(nph,2)*bv(nph,2) & +bv(nph,3)*bv(nph,3) iph(nph)=ipsi(icurraa) endif enddo rv(1,1)=xat(iCa(ia+3)) rv(1,2)=yat(iCa(ia+3)) rv(1,3)=zat(iCa(ia+3)) rv(2,1)=xat(iC(ia+3)) rv(2,2)=yat(iC(ia+3)) rv(2,3)=zat(iC(ia+3)) rv(3,1)=xat(iC(ia+3)+1) rv(3,2)=yat(iC(ia+3)+1) rv(3,3)=zat(iC(ia+3)+1) do i=1,3 do j=1,nph dv(i,j,1)=(1.0/ab(j))*(bv(j,2)*(rv(i,3)-xiv(j,3))- & bv(j,3)*(rv(i,2)-xiv(j,2))) dv(i,j,2)=(-1.0/ab(j))*(bv(j,1)*(rv(i,3)-xiv(j,3))- & bv(j,3)*(rv(i,1)-xiv(j,1))) dv(i,j,3)=(1.0/ab(j))*(bv(j,1)*(rv(i,2)-xiv(j,2))- & bv(j,2)*(rv(i,1)-xiv(j,1))) enddo enddo do i=1,nph do j=i,nph A(i,j)=0 do k=1,3 do l=1,3 A(i,j)=A(i,j)+dv(k,i,l)*(dv(k,j,l)) enddo enddo A(i,j)=bbgs*A(i,j) if (i.eq.j) then A(i,j)=A(i,j)+1 endif A(i,j)=0.5*abgs*A(i,j) enddo enddo do i=1,nph do j=i,nph sum=A(i,j) do k=i-1,1,-1 sum=sum-A(i,k)*A(j,k) enddo if (i.eq.j) then p(i)=sqrt(sum) else A(j,i)=sum/p(i) endif enddo enddo do i=1,nph ppsi(i)=p(i)*dph(i) do j=i+1,nph ppsi(i)=ppsi(i)+A(j,i)*dph(j) enddo enddo sum=0 do i=1,nph sum=sum+ppsi(i)*ppsi(i) enddo wbw=exp(-sum) do i=1,nph wbw=wbw*p(i) enddo ! Acceptance condition (includes additional weight) rd=grnd() ! print *,'generated selection random number ',rd ! print *,'wfw/wbw = ',wfw/wbw rd=-log(rd*wfw/wbw) ! print *,'modified rd = ',rd ! print *,'before calculating energy change' delta = dummy(enw)-dummy(eol1) ! print *,'delta = ',delta ! call outpdb(0,'after.pdb') ! print *,'after outpdb for after.pdb' ! do i=1,nph ! print *,'BGS>',i,iph(i),vlvr(iph(i)),dph(i) ! enddo if (rd.ge.delta) then ! accept eol1=enw bgs=1 ! print *,'BGS move accepted' else ! reject vlvr = ovr ! enw=energy() ! if (abs(enw-eol1).gt.0.000001) then ! write(*,*) 'rejected bgs move: energy change :',eol1,enw ! endif ! write(*,*) 'rejected bgs move: ',eol1,enw,wfw,wbw,rd bgs=0 endif 171 continue return end