c ************************************************************** c c c This file contains the subroutines: addend, redchg, rplgrp c c Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, c Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku c Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, c Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty c c $Id: addend.f 334 2007-08-07 09:23:59Z meinke $ c ************************************************************** subroutine addend(nml,grpn,grpc) c .............................................................. c PURPOSE: modify terminal residues to complete bonding scheme c with residue 'grpn' at N- and residue 'grpc' at C-terminus c ! need initial co-ordinates for residues to modify c ! for N-terminus: may add only simple groups c c CALLS: rplgrp,tolost,redchg c .............................................................. include 'INCL.H' character grpn*4,grpc*4 character res*4,rpat*4,sbrs*4,grn*4,grc*4 grn = grpn call tolost(grn) grc = grpc call tolost(grc) if (grn(:3).eq.'ace'.or.grc(:3).eq.'ace' #.or.grn(:3).eq.'nme'.or.grc(:3).eq.'nme') then write(*,'(2a)') ' addend> N-Acetyl (ace) or N-Methylamide (nme)' # ,' should be put in SEQUENCE file, not added as end groups' stop endif c __________________________________________ N-terminus ifirs=irsml1(nml) rpat='n ' res=seq(ifirs) call tolost(res) if (res(:3).ne.'ace') then if (grn(:3).eq.'nh2') then if (res(:3).eq.'hyp'.and..not.flex) then if(sh2) then sbrs='nh2+' else write (*,'(2a)') ' addend> ', # ' No N-terminal Hyp possible with ECEPP/3 dataset' stop endif elseif (res(:3).eq.'pro') then sbrs='nh1 ' elseif (res(:3).eq.'gly'.and..not.flex) then if (sh2) then sbrs='nh2 ' else sbrs='nh2g' endif else sbrs='nh2 ' endif elseif (grn.eq.'nh3+') then if (res(:3).eq.'pro'.and..not.flex) then sbrs='nh2+' elseif (res(:3).eq.'gly'.and..not.flex) then sbrs='nh3g' else sbrs='nh3+' endif else write(*,'(2a)') ' addend> Can add only ', * 'nh2 or nh3+ to N-terminus' stop endif call rplgrp(nml,ifirs,rpat,sbrs) if (flex) call redchg(nml,ifirs,rpat,sbrs) ! Flex dataset else ! ace write(*,'(2a)') ' addend> Acetyl group', # ' at N-terminus not modified' endif c __________________________________________ C-terminus ilars=irsml2(nml) rpat='c ' res=seq(ilars) call tolost(res) if (res(:3).ne.'nme') then if (grc.eq.'cooh') then if (res(:3).eq.'gly'.and..not.sh2) then sbrs='gooh' else sbrs='cooh' endif elseif (grc.eq.'coo-') then if (res(:3).eq.'gly'.and..not.sh2) then sbrs='goo-' else sbrs='coo-' endif else write(*,'(2a)') ' addend> Can add only ', # 'cooh or coo- to C-terminus' stop endif call rplgrp(nml,ilars,rpat,sbrs) if (flex) call redchg(nml,ilars,rpat,sbrs) ! Flex dataset else ! N'-methylamide write(*,'(2a)') ' addend> N-Methylamide', # ' at C-terminus not modified' endif c ----------------------------- net charge of molecule cg = 0.d0 do i=iatrs1(irsml1(nml)),iatrs2(irsml2(nml)) cg = cg + cgat(i) enddo if (abs(cg).gt.1.d-5) write(*,'(a,i2,a,f7.3,/)') # ' addend> Net charge of molecule #' # ,nml,': ',cg return end c **************************************** subroutine rplgrp(nml,nrs,rpat,sbrs) c ............................................................... c PURPOSE: replace atom(s) rooted at atom 'rpat' in residue c 'nrs' of molecule 'nml' by atom(s) rooted at c 'rpat' of residue 'sbrs' (same name of root c atom 'rpat' maintains bonding geometry for c preceeding atoms in 'nrs') c c is NOT performed if 'rpat' is within mainchain, c except it is first/last mainchain atom of 'nml' c c CALLS: dihedr,iopfil,iendst,eyring,fndbrn,redres,setsys,valang c ............................................................... include 'INCL.H' character rpat*4,sbrs*4 logical ntbb,bb dimension ibd(mxbd+1),iybd(mxbd+1) ifirs=irsml1(nml) ilars=irsml2(nml) nxt=ixatrs(nrs) nfi=iatrs1(nrs) nla=iatrs2(nrs) c __________________________ indices of atoms to be replaced do i=nfi,nla if (rpat.eq.nmat(i)) then nfirp=i goto 1 endif enddo write (*,'(4a,i4,a,i4)') ' rplgrp> cannot find atom >',rpat, #'< to be replaced in residue ',seq(nrs),nrs,' of molecule ',nml stop 1 call fndbrn(nml,nrs,nfirp,nlarp,irng1,irng2,bb) if (irng1.gt.0) goto 10 ntbb=.false. if (bb) then ! ..... backbone if (nfirp.eq.nxt.and.nrs.eq.ilars) goto 2 ! last mainchain atom if (nfirp.eq.nfi.and.nrs.eq.ifirs) then ! 1st MAINCHAIN ATOM ! ntbb=.true. ibd(1)=iowat(nfirp) iybd(1)=iyowat(nfirp) do i=1,mxbd ibd(i+1)=ibdat(i,nfirp) iybd(i+1)=iybdat(i,nfirp) enddo ibdrg=0 ! __________________ check ring iybdrg=1 do i=1,nbdat(nfirp)+1 if (iowat(ibd(i)).ne.nfirp) then if (ibdrg.ne.0) then write (*,'(2a,i3)') # ' rplgrp> Can handle only simple ring at 1st', # ' atom of molecule #',nml stop endif ibdrg=ibd(i) iybdrg=iybd(i) endif enddo nxtbb1=nlarp+1 ! _________________ next backbone atoms isgbb1=iyowat(nxtbb1) if (nxtbb1.eq.nxt) then if (nrs.lt.ilars) then nxtbb2=iatrs1(nrs+1) goto 3 endif else do i=nxt,nxtbb1+1,-1 if (iowat(i).eq.nxtbb1) then nxtbb2=i goto 3 endif enddo endif goto 11 else write (*,'(4a,i4,a,i4)') # ' rplgrp> Cannot replace BACKBONE atom ',rpat, # ' of residue ',seq(nrs),nrs,' in molecule #',nml stop endif endif ! N-terminus c _________________________________ previous atoms 2 if (nfirp.eq.nfi.and.nrs.eq.ifirs) goto 11 nxtbb1=iowat(nfirp) if (nxtbb1.eq.nfi.and.nrs.eq.ifirs) goto 11 nxtbb2=iowat(nxtbb1) c _______________________________ get data for substituent atoms 3 if (iopfil(lunlib,reslib,'old','formatted').le.izero) then write (*,'(a,/,a,i3,2a)') # ' rplgrp> ERROR opening library of residues:', # ' LUN=',lunlib,' FILE=',reslib(1:iendst(reslib)) stop endif call redres(sbrs,natsb,nxtsb,nvrsb) close (lunlib) c __________________________ indices of substituent atoms do i=1,natsb if (rpat.eq.nmath(i)) then nfisb=i goto 4 endif enddo write (*,'(4a)') ' rplgrp> Cannot find atom >',rpat, #'< in substituent residue ',sbrs stop 4 nlasb=nfisb do i=1,nbdath(nfisb) ib=ibdath(i,nfisb) if (iowath(ib).lt.nfisb) goto 10 do j=ib,natsb if (j.gt.ib.and.iowath(j).lt.ib) goto 5 do k=1,nbdath(j) if (ibdath(k,j).lt.nfisb) goto 10 enddo nlasb=j enddo ! ... branch atoms 5 enddo ! ... branches c _________________________________________________ local axes at 'nfirp' call setsys(nxtbb1,nfirp,nxtbb2,x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,z1,z2,z3) xtoat(nfirp)=x1 ytoat(nfirp)=x2 ztoat(nfirp)=x3 xbaat(nfirp)=z1 ybaat(nfirp)=z2 zbaat(nfirp)=z3 c _____________________ add virtual atoms if (ntbb) then ct=cstoat(nxtbb2) ! t.angle_(+2) st=sntoat(nxtbb2) ca=csbaat(nxtbb1) ! b.angle_(+1) sa=snbaat(nxtbb1) c ------------------- Eyring h2=-sa*ct h3=-sa*st x1=-ca*x1+h2*y1+h3*z1 x2=-ca*x2+h2*y2+h3*z2 x3=-ca*x3+h2*y3+h3*z3 dx=one/sqrt(x1*x1+x2*x2+x3*x3) x1=x1*dx x2=x2*dx x3=x3*dx xat(izero)=xat(nfirp)+x1 yat(izero)=yat(nfirp)+x2 zat(izero)=zat(nfirp)+x3 z1=-st*y1+ct*z1 z2=-st*y2+ct*z2 z3=-st*y3+ct*z3 dz=one/sqrt(z1*z1+z2*z2+z3*z3) z1=z1*dz z2=z2*dz z3=z3*dz ct=cstoat(nxtbb1) ! t.angle_(+1) st=sntoat(nxtbb1) c -------------------- Eyring with b.angle = 90 deg. xat(-ione)=xat(izero)-ct*(z2*x3-z3*x2)-st*z1 yat(-ione)=yat(izero)-ct*(z3*x1-z1*x3)-st*z2 zat(-ione)=zat(izero)-ct*(z1*x2-z2*x1)-st*z3 endif c _____________________________________________ Shift atom data nrp=nlarp-nfirp nsb=nlasb-nfisb if (nrp.ne.nsb) then nsh=nsb-nrp do i=nfi,nfirp-1 ! bonds to atoms after repl. group do j=1,mxbd ib=ibdat(j,i) if (ib.gt.nlarp.and.ib.le.nla) ibdat(j,i)=ib+nsh enddo enddo ilaat=iatrs2(irsml2(ntlml)) if (nrp.gt.nsb) then ! less atoms i1=nlarp+1 i2=ilaat i3=1 else ! more atoms if ((ilaat+nsh).gt.mxat) then write (*,'(a,i5)') ' rplgrp> number of atoms > ',mxat stop endif i1=ilaat i2=nlarp+1 i3=-1 endif do i=i1,i2,i3 ii=i+nsh nbdat(ii)=nbdat(i) ibd(1)=iowat(i) iybd(1)=iyowat(i) do j = 1,mxbd ibd(j+1)=ibdat(j,i) iybd(j+1)=iybdat(j,i) enddo do j=1,mxbd+1 if (ibd(j).gt.nfirp) ibd(j)=ibd(j)+nsh enddo iowat(ii)=ibd(1) iyowat(ii)=iybd(1) do j = 1,mxbd ibdat(j,ii)=ibd(j+1) iybdat(j,ii)=iybd(j+1) enddo ityat(ii)=ityat(i) nmat(ii)=nmat(i) cgat(ii)=cgat(i) blat(ii)=blat(i) baat(ii)=baat(i) snbaat(ii)=snbaat(i) csbaat(ii)=csbaat(i) toat(ii)=toat(i) sntoat(ii)=sntoat(i) cstoat(ii)=cstoat(i) xat(ii)=xat(i) yat(ii)=yat(i) zat(ii)=zat(i) xtoat(ii)=xtoat(i) ytoat(ii)=ytoat(i) ztoat(ii)=ztoat(i) xbaat(ii)=xbaat(i) ybaat(ii)=ybaat(i) zbaat(ii)=zbaat(i) enddo c ____________________________________________ Shift residue data do i=nrs+1,irsml2(ntlml) iatrs1(i)=iatrs1(i)+nsh iatrs2(i)=iatrs2(i)+nsh ixatrs(i)=ixatrs(i)+nsh enddo iatrs2(nrs)=nla+nsh if (nxt.gt.nlarp) ixatrs(nrs)=nxt+nsh else nsh=0 endif c _________________________________________ Correct data of 'nfirp' ish=nfirp-nfisb ityat(nfirp)=ityath(nfisb) if(.not.sh2) cgat(nfirp)=cgath(nfisb) ! NOT for 'ECEPP/2' nb=nbdath(nfisb) ! _______________ Bonds do i=1,mxbd ib=ibdath(i,nfisb) if (ib.ne.0) then ibd(i)=ib+ish iybd(i)=iybdath(i,nfisb) else ibd(i)=0 iybd(i)=1 endif enddo if (ntbb) then ibd(mxbd+1)=0 iybd(mxbd+1)=1 ibd(nb+1)=nxtbb1+nsh ! bond to next backbone atom iybd(nb+1)=isgbb1 if (ibdrg.ne.0) then nb=nb+1 if (nb.gt.mxbd) then write (*,'(6a,/,2a,3(i4,a))') # ' rplgrp> Cannot add atoms following ',rpat, # ' from group ',sbrs,' to atom ',rpat, # ' of residue ',seq(nrs),nrs,' in molecule #',nml, # ' because need >',(mxbd+1),' bonds' stop endif ibd(nb+1)=ibdrg+nsh iybd(nb+1)=iybdrg endif iowat(nfirp)=ibd(1) iyowat(nfirp)=iybd(1) do i=1,mxbd ibdat(i,nfirp)=ibd(i+1) iybdat(i,nfirp)=iybd(i+1) enddo else ! not 'ntbb' do i=1,mxbd ibdat(i,nfirp)=ibd(i) iybdat(i,nfirp)=iybd(i) enddo endif nbdat(nfirp)=nb c _________________________________________ Add data for substituent ii=nfirp do i=nfisb+1,nlasb ii=ii+1 nbdat(ii)=nbdath(i) iow=iowath(i)+ish iowat(ii)=iow iyowat(ii)=iyowath(i) do j=1,mxbd ib=ibdath(j,i) if (ib.ge.nfisb) then ibdat(j,ii)=ib+ish else ibdat(j,ii)=ib endif iybdat(j,ii)=iybdath(j,i) enddo ityat(ii)=ityath(i) nmat(ii)=nmath(i) cgat(ii)=cgath(i) blat(ii)=blath(i) ba=baath(i) baat(ii)=ba csbaat(ii)=cos(ba) snbaat(ii)=sin(ba) to=toath(i) toat(ii)=to cstoat(ii)=cos(to) sntoat(ii)=sin(to) call eyring(ii,iow) if (ntbb) then ! reset some internal coordinates if (iow.eq.nfirp) then ba=valang(izero,nfirp,ii) baat(ii)=ba csbaat(ii)=cos(ba) snbaat(ii)=sin(ba) to=dihedr(-ione,izero,nfirp,ii) toat(ii)=to cstoat(ii)=cos(to) sntoat(ii)=sin(to) elseif (iowat(iow).eq.nfirp) then to=dihedr(izero,nfirp,iow,ii) toat(ii)=to cstoat(ii)=cos(to) sntoat(ii)=sin(to) endif endif ! ntbb enddo ! substituent atoms c ___________________________________________________ Take care of Variables c (assume variables of replaced group/substituent to be stored CONSECUTIVELY) ilavr=ivrml1(ntlml)+nvrml(ntlml)-1 ifivr=ivrrs1(nrs) ! variables to be replaced (#=ivrrp,last=lvrrp) ivrrp=0 do i=ifivr,ifivr+nvrrs(nrs)-1 iat=iatvr(i) if (nfirp.lt.iat.and.iat.le.nlarp) then ivrrp=ivrrp+1 lvrrp=i endif enddo if (ivrrp.eq.0) then ! No variables to replace do i=ifivr,ilavr if (iatvr(i).gt.nlarp) then lvrrp=i-1 goto 6 endif enddo lvrrp=ilavr endif 6 ivrsb=0 ! variables from substituent (#=ivrsb) do i=1,nvrsb iat=iatvrh(i) if (nfisb.lt.iat.and.iat.le.nlasb) then ity=ityvrh(i) if (ntbb.and.iowath(iat).eq.nfisb.and.ity.gt.2) goto 7 ivrsb=ivrsb+1 nmvrh(ivrsb)=nmvrh(i) ityvrh(ivrsb)=ityvrh(i) iclvrh(ivrsb)=iclvrh(i) iatvrh(ivrsb)=iat endif 7 enddo if (nsh.ne.0) then ! if # of atoms changed do i=lvrrp+1,ilavr iatvr(i)=iatvr(i)+nsh enddo endif if (ivrrp.ne.ivrsb) then ! shift data for variables jsh=ivrsb-ivrrp if (ivrrp.gt.ivrsb) then i1=lvrrp+1 i2=ilavr i3=1 else if ((ilavr+jsh).gt.mxvr) then write (*,'(a,i5)') ' rplgrp> number of variables > ',mxvr stop endif i1=ilavr i2=lvrrp+1 i3=-1 endif do i=i1,i2,i3 ii=i+jsh ityvr(ii)=ityvr(i) iclvr(ii)=iclvr(i) nmvr(ii)=nmvr(i) iatvr(ii)=iatvr(i) enddo do i=nrs+1,irsml2(ntlml) ivrrs1(i)=ivrrs1(i)+jsh enddo nvrrs(nrs)=nvrrs(nrs)+jsh nvrml(nml)=nvrml(nml)+jsh do i=nml+1,ntlml ivrml1(i)=ivrml1(i)+jsh enddo endif ii=lvrrp-ivrrp ! Add variables for substitutent do i=1,ivrsb ii=ii+1 nmvr(ii)=nmvrh(i) ityvr(ii)=ityvrh(i) iclvr(ii)=iclvrh(i) iatvr(ii)=iatvrh(i)+ish enddo return c __________________________________________ Errors 10 write (*,'(3a,/,2a,i4,a,i4,/,2a)') # ' rplgrp> Cannot replace atom(s) following ',rpat, # ' from INSIDE a ring',' in residue: ',seq(nrs),nrs, # ' in molecule #',nml,' or in substitute: ',sbrs stop 11 write (*,'(4a,i4,a,i4,/,a)') # ' rplgrp> Cannot replace atom(s) following ',rpat, # ' of residue ',seq(nrs),nrs,' in molecule #',nml, # ' since necessary 2 previous atoms are not available' stop end c **************************************** subroutine redchg(nml,nrs,rpat,sbrs) c ......................................................... c PURPOSE: read and place atomic point charges from residue c 'sbrs' to residue 'nrs' of molecule 'nml' c from library 'chglib' with LUN=lunchg, if ilib=1 c 'reslib' with LUN=lunlib, if ilib=2 c c CALLS: iopfil,iendst,tolost c ........................................................ include 'INCL.H' character rpat*4,sbrs*4,atnm*4,res*4,cgty*5,line*100 ifirs=irsml1(nml) ilars=irsml2(nml) res=seq(nrs) call tolost(res) if (nrs.eq.ifirs.or.nrs.eq.ilars) then if (rpat.eq.'n '.or.rpat.eq.'c ') then if (nrs.eq.ifirs.and.nrs.eq.ilars) goto 10 ! Dont have this yet if (rpat.eq.'n '.and.nrs.eq.ifirs) then if (res(1:3).eq.'pro'.or.res(1:3).eq.'hyp') then if (sbrs.eq.'nh1 ') cgty='n'//res if (sbrs.eq.'nh2+') cgty='+'//res else if (sbrs.eq.'nh2 ') cgty='n'//res if (sbrs.eq.'nh3+') cgty='+'//res endif elseif (rpat.eq.'c '.and.nrs.eq.ilars) then if (sbrs.eq.'cooh') cgty='c'//res if (sbrs.eq.'coo-') cgty='-'//res else goto 10 endif else write (*,*) ' redchg> dont know which end goup is present' stop endif ilib=1 else cgty(1:)=sbrs ilib=2 endif if (ilib.eq.1) then if (iopfil(lunchg,chgfil,'old','formatted').le.izero) then write (*,'(a,/,a,i3,2a)') # ' redchg> ERROR opening library of charges:', # ' LUN=',lunchg,' FILE=',chgfil(1:iendst(chgfil)) stop endif 1 line=' ' read (lunchg,'(a)',end=3) line l=iendst(line) if (l.ge.10.and.line(1:1).eq.'#'.and.line(2:6).eq.cgty) then read (line(7:10),'(i4)') nchg if (nchg.le.mxath) then read (lunchg,'(10(2x,a4,1x))') (nmath(i),i=1,nchg) read (lunchg,'(10(f6.4,1x))') (cgath(i),i=1,nchg) close(lunchg) do i=iatrs1(nrs),iatrs2(nrs) atnm=nmat(i) do j=1,nchg if (nmath(j).eq.atnm) then cgat(i)=cgath(j) goto 2 endif enddo write (*,'(6a)') ' redchg> Cannot find atom: ',atnm, # ' for entry: ',cgty,' in library: ', # chgfil(1:iendst(chgfil)) stop 2 enddo return else write (*,'(4a)') # ' redchg> must increase MXATH to read data for entry: ', # cgty,' in library: ',chgfil(1:iendst(chgfil)) close(lunchg) stop endif endif goto 1 3 write (*,'(4a)') # ' redchg> Cannot find entry: ',cgty,' in library: ', # chgfil(1:iendst(chgfil)) close(lunchg) stop elseif (ilib.eq.2) then if (iopfil(lunlib,reslib,'old','formatted').le.izero) then write (*,'(a,/,a,i3,2a)') # ' redchg> ERROR opening library of residues:', # ' LUN=',lunlib,' FILE=',reslib(1:iendst(reslib)) stop endif 4 line=' ' read (lunlib,'(a)',end=6) line l=iendst(line) if (l.ge.9.and.line(1:1).eq.'#'.and.line(2:5).eq.cgty(1:4)) then read (line(6:9),'(i4)') nchg if (nchg.le.mxath) then read (lunlib,'(a4,42x,d7.4)') (nmath(i),cgath(i),i=1,nchg) close(lunlib) do i=iatrs1(nrs),iatrs2(nrs) atnm=nmat(i) do j=1,nchg if (nmath(j).eq.atnm) then cgat(i)=cgath(j) goto 5 endif enddo write (*,'(6a)') ' redchg> Cannot find atom: ',atnm, # ' for entry: ',cgty,' in library: ', # reslib(1:iendst(reslib)) stop 5 enddo return else write (*,'(4a)') # ' redchg> must increase MXATH to read data for entry: ', # cgty,' in library: ',reslib(1:iendst(reslib)) close(lunchg) stop endif endif goto 4 6 write (*,'(4a)') # ' redchg> Cannot find entry: ',cgty,' in library: ', # reslib(1:iendst(reslib)) close(lunchg) stop endif 10 write (*,'(4a)') # ' redchg> Do not have charges for N/C-terminal residue ', # res,' modified with group :',sbrs stop end