!************************************************************** ! Parallel tempering of a system with two Abeta 16--22 peptides ! using 8 replicas. ! ! ! Copyright 2003-2005 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Shura Hayryan, Chin-Ku Hu ! Copyright 2007 Frank Eisenmenger, U.H.E. Hansmann, ! Jan H. Meinke, Sandipan Mohanty ! ! CALLS init_energy,init_molecule,partem_p ! ! ************************************************************** program pmain include '../INCL.H' include '../INCP.H' include '../incl_lund.h' include 'mpif.h' character*80 libdir character*80 in_fil,ou_fil,filebase, varfile character*80 fileNameMP character grpn*4,grpc*4 logical newsta !c Number of replicas integer num_replica !c Number of processors per replica integer num_ppr !c Range of processor for crating communicators integer proc_range(3) !c Array of MPI groups integer group(MAX_REPLICA), group_partem !c Array of MPI communicators integer comm(MAX_REPLICA), partem_comm !c Array of nodes acting as masters for the energy calculation. integer ranks(MAX_REPLICA) !c Configuration switch integer switch integer rep_id ! set number of replicas double precision eols(MAX_REPLICA) common/updstats/ncalls(5),nacalls(5) ! MPI stuff, and random number generator initialisation call mpi_init(ierr) call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world,myrank,ierr) call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world,num_proc,ierr) ! call VTSetup() enysolct = 0 seed = 8368 call sgrnd(seed) ! Initialize the random number generator ! =================================================== Energy setup libdir='../SMMP/' ! Directory for SMMP libraries ! The switch in the following line is now not used. flex=.false. ! .true. for Flex / .false. for ECEPP ! Choose energy type with the following switch instead ... ientyp = 0 ! 0 => ECEPP2 or ECEPP3 depending on the value of sh2 ! 1 => FLEX ! 2 => Lund force field ! 3 => ECEPP with Abagyan corrections ! sh2=.false. ! .true. for ECEPP/2; .false. for ECEPP3 epsd=.false. ! .true. for distance-dependent epsilon itysol= 1 ! 0: vacuum ! >0: numerical solvent energy ! <0: analytical solvent energy & gradients isolscl=.false. tesgrd=.false. ! .true. to check analytical gradients call init_energy(libdir) ! calculate CPU time using MPI_Wtime() startwtime = MPI_Wtime() ! ================================================= Structure setup grpn = 'nh2' ! N-terminal group grpc = 'cooh' ! C-terminal group iabin = 1 ! =0: read from PDB-file ! =1: ab Initio from sequence (& variables) in_fil='abeta.seq' ! Sequence file varfile = ' ' newsta=.true. boxsize = 1000.0d0 ! Only relevant for multi-molecule systems num_replica = 8 ! Number of independent replicas. The file ! temperatures must have at least as many ! entries nequi=100 ! Number of MC sweeps before measurements ! and replica exchanges are started nswp=10000 ! Number of sweeps nmes=10 ! Interval for measurements and replica exchange nsave=1000 ! Not used at the moment switch = -1 ! How should the configuration be ! initialized? ! -1 stretched chain ! 0 don't do anything ! 1 initialize each angle to a random value ifrm=0 ntlml = 0 ! Decide if and when to use BGS, and initialize Lund data structures bgsprob=0.75 ! Prob for BGS, given that it is possible ! upchswitch= 0 => No BGS 1 => BGS with probability bgsprob ! 2 => temperature dependent choice upchswitch=1 rndord=.true. if (ientyp.eq.2) call init_lundff ! ================================================================= ! Distribute nodes to parallel tempering tasks ! I assume that the number of nodes available is an integer ! multiple n of the number of replicas. Each replica then gets n ! processors to do its energy calculation. num_ppr = num_proc / num_replica call mpi_comm_group(mpi_comm_world, group_world, error) ! The current version doesn't require a separate variable j. I ! could just use i * num_ppr but this way it's more flexible. j = 0 do i = 1, num_replica ranks(i) = j proc_range(1) = j proc_range(2) = j + num_ppr - 1 proc_range(3) = 1 call mpi_group_range_incl(group_world, 1, proc_range, group(i) & ,error) write (*,*) "Assigning rank ", j, proc_range, & "to group", group(i) call flush(6) j = j + num_ppr enddo do i = 1, num_replica call mpi_comm_create(mpi_comm_world, group(i), comm(i),error) if (comm(i).ne.MPI_COMM_NULL) then my_mpi_comm = comm(i) rep_id = i - 1 write (*,*) rep_id, "has comm", my_mpi_comm call flush(6) endif enddo ! Setup the communicator used for parallel tempering write (*,*) "PTGroup=", ranks(:num_replica) call flush(6) call mpi_group_incl(group_world, num_replica, ranks, group_partem, & error) call mpi_comm_create(mpi_comm_world, group_partem, partem_comm, & error) if (partem_comm.ne.MPI_COMM_NULL) then write (*,*) partem_comm,myrank, "is master for ", rep_id, "." endif call mpi_comm_rank(my_mpi_comm,myrank,ierr) call mpi_comm_size(my_mpi_comm,no,ierr) write (*,*) "My new rank is ", myrank, "of", no call flush(6) ! = Done setting up communicators ===================================== num_mol = 4 if (newsta) then varfile = ' ' do i = 1, num_mol - 1 call init_molecule(iabin, grpn, grpc,in_fil,varfile) end do varfile = 'abeta.var' call init_molecule(iabin, grpn, grpc,in_fil,varfile) else filebase = "conf_0000.var" varfile = ' ' do i = 1, num_mol - 1 call init_molecule(iabin, grpn, grpc,in_fil,varfile) end do call init_molecule(iabin, grpn, grpc,in_fil, & fileNameMP(filebase, 6, 9, rep_id + 1)) endif if (ientyp.eq.3) call init_abgn ! ======================================== start of parallel tempering run write (*,*) "There are ", no, & " processors available for ",rep_id call flush(6) do nml = 1, num_mol call distributeWorkLoad(no, nml) end do ! READ REFERENCE CONTACT MAP. ! Contacts needs a reference map, and we would like to get the ! number of existing contacts. We just use a dummy map, since ! Abeta doesn't have a native structure. open(12, file = 'abeta.ref', status ="old") nresi=irsml2(nml)-irsml1(nml)+1 write (*,*) 'Number of residues:', nresi do i=1,nresi read(12,*) (iref(i,j), j=1,nresi) write (*,*) iref(i,i) ! do j = 1, nresi ! read(12, *) iref(i,j) ! write (*,*) i,j,iref(i,j) ! end do end do nci = 0 do i=1,nresi do j=nresi,i+3,-1 if(iref(i,j).eq.1) nci = nci + 1 end do end do call setvar(1,vlvr) do nml = 1, num_mol call setvar(nml,vlvr) e1 = enyshe(nml) write (*,*) 'Energy of molecule',nml, ' is ', e1, & '(', eyvw, eyel, eyhb, eyvr, ')' end do ei = eninteract() write (*,*) ' Interaction energy is', ei et = energy() write (*,*) 'Solvent energy is', eysl write (*,*) 'Total energy is ', et call partem_p(num_replica, nequi, nswp, nmes, nsave, newsta, & switch, rep_id, partem_comm) ! ======================================== end of parallel tempering run ! calculate CPU time using MPI_Wtime() endwtime = MPI_Wtime() if(myrank.eq.0.and.rep_id.eq.0) then write(*,*) "time for simulation using ", num_proc, & " processors =", endwtime - startwtime, " seconds" call flush(6) endif ! ======================================== End of main CALL mpi_finalize(ierr) end